Veggie Life.

VIVA VEGAN Commercial by Melissa Galianos

Starring Jalene Vandermazing, Andrew Jackson,
Jes Cee, Megan, and Cory Weed

Top 10 Reasons to be Vegetarian

Have you seen Earthlings yet? Or the french version Terriens? I think it's about time you did.

1. Every year in the U.S. (and Canada, China and Japan), billions of farm animals suffer and die under factory farm conditions considered so cruel they have been banned in many other countries. Visit the Farm Sanctuary!

2. According to a report published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, raising animals for meat generates more greenhouse gas emissions (through emissions of carbondioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) than all cars, trucks, SUVs, planes, ships and other forms of transportation combined. Researchers at the University of Chicago determined that switching to a vegan diet is 50% more effective than switching from a regular car to a hibrid in reducing your impact on global warming.

3. Animal products, including meat, dairy, and eggs, significantly indrease the risk of obesity, heart disease, cancer, and many other life theatening illnesses. Vegetarianism reverses heart disease. Eating meat and dairy makes you fat.

4. More than half of all the water consumed in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food. A totally vegetarian diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-based diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day.

5. Farmed animals produce about 130 times as much excrement as the entire human population of the United States. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the run-off from factory farms pollutes our rivers and lakes more than all other industrial sources combined. This is why you can't eat meat and call yourself an enviromentalist. Watch the documentary HOME or FOOD INC.

6. Chicks have their sensitive beaks cut off without any pain killers. Ammonia levels in chicken farms are so high that the corrosive substance burns the bird's lungs ans skin (just like dogs in Quebec puppy mills). Hens are crammed by the tens of thousands into filthy sheds, with five to 11 hens per cage (battery cages where babies never see their mothers) so small that the birds can't spread even one wing. Turkeys and chicken have their wings and legs broken when they are shoved into transport trucks, and they are shipped through all weather extremes with no food or water. Chickens are genically manipulated and dosed with antibiotics to make them grow so large so quickly that they become crippled under their own weight. Research has proven chicken to be smarter than cats, dogs and some primates. Sadly we treat them as if they were nothing but satisfactory to our taste buds. Besides, in every package of chicken there is a little poop! Veggie chicken tastes just like chicken, trust me I was once a 'Crispy' chicken lover myself. And if you don't want to support the force feeding and wastefull industry of foie gras, try veggie paté sold in every store! Yummy veggie mushroom paté...

7. Cows spend their lives in cramped shed and fenced-in enclosure, mired in mud and their own waste. They are litterally beaten alive while being castrated, mutilated with brading sticks and tagged in both ears, all without pain killers. Then they are forced to see their families be cut appear alive just before they are then killed. The adrenaline rush they fell has proven that a frightened animal will taste bad and give on bad energy when compared to an animal that was humanly killed and died quickly and peacefully. Veal calves are confined to crate so small they can't even turn around. If you drink milk you support the veal industry becomes cows are mammals like us and they need to be pregnant in order to be lactating. Male calves will become veal and fed a nutrient deficient diet while tied to poles and fences and females will produce milk untill they die of fatigue at around four or become beef cattle once their milk runs dry. Cows could live up to twenty years in natural conditions. A cow's behaviour is very human like. They interact in socially complex ways with social dynamics, including friendships that develop over time (aww like in Babe). Watch Meet Your Meat by Peta.

8. Pigs do not receive any pain killers when the ends of their teeth are cut off with wire cutters. They spend their lives in crates so small that they can't even turn around. Many pigs go insane from extremly crowded conditions in factory farms and compulsively chew the bars of their pens. Just like cows and chickens, they live in their filth and are seperated from their mothers at birth. Males are castrated without pain relief. They are fed garbage food just to faten them up (to later faten you up in the form of bacon, ham, pork, call it what you want it's all fatty flesh). Pigs are smarter and friendly, loyal and affectionate. Just like our pet dogs! (Remember to adopt or see a real breeder not a puppy mill!) A pig's brain is comparable to the brain of a 3 year old child. They can even play video games! See a video on

9. Like other animals, Fish feel pain and experience fear. They are dragged from the ocean depths, and suffer from decompression suffocation and being crushed alive. The thin mesh of commercial fishing nets slices into the flesh of many fish, causing blood loss and stargling them in the water or in the net as it dragged abroad. I have always hated fish and sea food. Some 'crawler boats' drag weighted nets across oceans and kill many waste speices and destroy endangered coral reefs, home to millions of exotic marine life. Did you know that the Seal Hunt is still run by the Newfoundland cod fisheries department and paid by the gov. taxes we pay? Their carcasses rot on ice so they we can get more fish from the ocean. Always more. Herd of shark fin soup? Did you know how cruel and wasteful it was? Do not support this corruption and illegal poaching of endangered sharks. Watch Shark Water! There is also the Japanese Dolphin trade. Watch The Cove! Try to inform yourself because eating fish is not vegetarian.

10. Meat is filthy and bloody. Eating meat causes impotencies. No sane living creature wants to see their family slaughtered. They don't want to die. They feel pain (some even scalded alive) and fear and scream too. This is violence you can reduce by not supporting it. No one should have to make a living by killing. It takes a small person to beat a defenseless animal, and it takes an even smaller person to eat it. No matter how cut cut it, it's still flesh. Mad cow disease is in the U.S. Visit or for more info.

Bonus reason to be vegeatrian: Vegetarians and Vegans are HOT!

What can you do to help end the meat madness?

1. Inform yourself and others, raise awareness online or in person.

2. Cut meat out of your diet. Start with just one day a week (Meatless Mondays). Just one day a week will improve your health and save animals' lives. But don't stop there. Continue to add vegs days to your week until you are vegetarian seven days a week!

3. Substitute your favorite dishes with vegetarian version. Try a veggie burger instead of hamburger or tofu instead of chicken in your stir-fry. There are plenty of veg brands to choose from.

4. Experiment and have fun with your food. Purchase a new veggie cookbook, search for receipes online, and introduce yourself to a wide and winderful new world of veg cuisine.

5. If you really care about animals like I do, don't wear fur or leather. Don't buy products tested on animals. Try soy milk for a change. Don't go to live animal pet stores or animal circuses. And adopt a vegetarian diet today! Thanks for reading.


Cory xxx

Veggie Homemade dishes!

I have been vegetarian for over three years now and I even tried veganism.
Being vegetarian is very easy when you love animals, the planet and yourself, and
once you have mastered replacing meats with healthy vegetarian options!

Veggie tomato and chickpea pasta with fettuccine noodles

Veggie Pasta Salad with peppers and cucumbers

Veggie Chicken Cesar Salad with Yves Chicken patties

Veggie Tofu Stir Fry with rice, vegies, chick peas and baby corn

Veggie hot chicken sandwich with PC chicken stripes

Veggie Club Sandwich with Yves bacon and chicken strips

Veggie Hamburger steak with Yves Veggie patties,
served with McCainfrench fries

Veggie Hamburger steak with Yves Veggie patties

Veggie Mushroom meatballs, my favorite!

Check out ChuChai! Yuan! Aux Vivres! Green Panther!

All these recepies are fast and easy. See for more!
Loblaws even carries veggie chiken breasts and crispy strips!!
Yummy! I had some for dinner today before a veggie shepard's pie!!!

SPA Canada

You may have heard of us, or even seen us downtown at the corner of Mansfield and St-Catherine, or on Mont-Royal in front of Provigo, or even at shows, presentations, schools, concerts, and festivities. We are an animal rights organization fighting animal cruelty through lobbing, petitioning, educating and investigating. We are currently dealing with three major issues in Montreal, Quebec and Canada. The Society for Protection of Animals, head office being based in Ottawa, with street teams in both Vancouver and Montreal as well, is currently working to shut down Quebec puppy mills, stop gavaging ducks to produce fois gras in Montreal and stop animal cruelty in Canada such as pet abbuse, fur trapping, animal testing, the seal hunt, factory farming, poaching and circuses.

The photo to the left was taken while a man left his dog with us so we can watch him while he went to Sports Expert.

The photo to the right was taken on a hot summer day while I was modelling for the animals, looking good with a puppy mills petition while a man was donating for the cause! Every signature counts! Help shut down Quebec puppy mills!

If you are interested in joining our team or have any questions regarding animal rights, please contact Julie at the following e-mail address:

Main campaigns; Campagnes principales:

1) Puppy mills (Quebec) - Usines à chiots (Québec)

2) Foie gras (Montreal and/et Ottawa)

3) Canadian legislation on animal rights - Législation canadienne sur les droits des animaux

The Society for Protection of Animals

- Promoting the respect of animals, humans and the environment through education and lobbying.

- Promouvoir le respect des animaux, des humains et de l’environnement via l’éducation et le lobbying.

The photo to the right is me and Vanita, showing off our SPA Canada name tags, while working together on Mont-Royal in fron of the Provigo grocery store.

I spend three hours one monday volunteering at Vanier College (Jake's mall) and collecting signatures against animal cruelty and mainly puppy mills. I have to thank Myrianne for lending me the supplies, Jenny from Vanier Student Services for giving me permission and Quentin, my teacher and coordinator of Environmental and Wildlife Management, who sponsored me and encouraged me to educate students on the issue here in Quebec. I also have to thank Pat Ng for helping me collect a total of 165 signatures in less than three hours of petitionning. He was taking the picture.

The photo to the right is Linda Vanita Kao and me, Cory Weed, petioning again animal cruelty in front of the Sunglass Hut on St-Catherine's, corner Mansfield. All SPA Canada volunteers are dedicated to their work because they love animals and educating others about issues concerning poor laws and neglectfull abuse towards animals. I for one tend to imagine myself in the place of the animal in concern. Their continuous suffering brings tears to my eyes.

I was once asked which animal I would not want to be...The decision is hard really...I mean would you like to be any animal stuck in a lab and being tested on your hole life? What about being enslaved to to breed over and over till you starve to death or die of disease, sickness, exhaustion or boredom! This is what dogs in Puppy mills go through. Puppy mills are large scale mass breeding facilities where dogs or cats are breed for profit, usually to be sold in pet stores. Sadly, Quebec has no laws that say that dogs should be breed in humane conditions, with proper food, water, exercise, clean and appropriatly sized caging, vet care, physical and psychological stimulation, etc. People can do with them as they please because animlas are no more than one's proprety in Canada. If you want a pet, please adopt for the sake of the animals! Also, have your pet spayed or neuteured and sign a petition against puppy mills today!

I have SPA Canada to thank for becoming vegetarian and vegan friendly, as well as learning all abour different animal rights issues and best of all, making new friends. In the picture to the right, Dan and I pose for the cause. He and I met on my second day of work, two years ago, it was the day before his birthday. We all went shopping with Oliver afterwards and all became best friends ever since.
Oliver joined SPA shortly after.

SPA Canada has protestest in front of Jean Charest office demanding to shut down puppy mills. Ever with 53000 signatures nothing was done. This year mor einvestigators were hirred but more needs to be done for the animals.
Some members of SPA are also working with CARA (Concordia's Animal Rights Association) to protest against the seal hunt, circuses, fur , etc, and fundraise for the animals while organizing fashion shows and more!

SPA Canada
Society for Protection of Animals Canada

National headquarter
7th floor-1125 Colonel by Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6

Montreal office 438-777-9851

'Protecting animals without compromise'

SPA Canada
Société pour la Protection des Animaux Canada

Siège social national
7e étage-1125 Colonel by Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6

Bureau à Montréal 438-777-9851

'Protéger les animaux sans compromis'

Peta ads

For those of you who might not know, I am a vegetarian and animal lover.

I am also strongly against animal cruelty acts such as:

animal testing, puppy mills, circuses, foie gras, fur and leather, factory farming, seal hunt, endangered species trade, fishing, fining, etc.

For more information visit:

Or visit SPA Canada downtown at the corner of St-Catherine's and Mansfield to sign a petition, make a donation, or ask questions. Thank you for caring.