Homeless Shelter For Animals (HSFA)

Here is where I will post updates on the Homeless Shelter For Animals Project that began this year with my first letters to the Maire about my idea. I proposed that Montreal invest into a new type of shelter, one that not only provided shelter for both homeless people and pets, but also provided jobs for these people so they can get back on their feet. The design of the facility would be two floors so the bottom floor is the shelter for pets and upstairs are the rooms and kitchen/living room for the shelter's guests. They will be provided with donations towards buying food, and given proper government funded medical and social aids. Cats and dogs at the shelter will receive medical attention when needed and will all be vaccinated, dewormed and fixed when sponsored or "sold in exchange for a donation. They will have access to both indoors and outdoors at will and will be given much attention and affection by volunteers. The employees will take care of feeding and cleaning pets and bringing pets to vet visits as well as hosting adoption day events. This is a non profit organization against people and animal homelessness and cruelty. It can and will help hundreds of people and pets in Montreal soon!