Art Gallery.

Elements. Painted in 2011 with Mahnaz Mc.
Alice in Wonderland, inspired by the original film's art gallery images, painted by me in 2010.

Sunset image based on my right arm tattoo. Painted by me in 2009.

Mini version of the painting above, picture came out a little blurry though.

Cuban sunset. Got this off a man in the Varadero city market in 2005.

Cuban beach. Really detailled for such a small canvas. Got with the previous one in Cuba 2005.

My caricature drawed by Jacqueline Huot at the Bouvrette Cabane à Sucres in April 2006.

Believe it or not this collage won an art contest to be the month of March in the Laurentide Bank's 1998 calendar. I was ten years old and thought this was the worse of all of my efforts. My little brother and I made all twelve months together.

This was a Police department drawing contest to help raise awareness about ''Taxage'' or harassement at school. This simple drawing, my idea of a logo against taxage, won 1st place in my entire school at St-Luc elementry in 1997. My fifth grade class all got free pizza in honour of my success! I could not believe it! I had to make a speak in front of the D.D.O. Maire and I appeared in a newspaper too!

This painting was made by me, as an art project, with a matching shirt too. I think it was in 2002 if I remember correctly.

The sunset reminds me of my mom, who always draws clouds with flying birds on card envelopes. (2002)

Sun rise as I watch the segal fly by. I bought this painting in 2008. Artist unknown.

Reminded me of my sister Thalie, watching a sunset. Bought along with the previous one in 2008. Same artist.

Palms in the night sky was bought as a souvenir from my parents. It was in my room till my sister took it in.

Nice painting my sister's friend Caroline made for her birthday.

One of my sister Thalie's art projects. A water lilly and lilly pads.

Another art project of my sister's. She was supposed to use only squares but cheating make real rebelious art!

A self portrait made by my sister. Can you see the humming bird and hibiscus flower?

Paintings by my grandmother, Denise (Marcotte) Bourgoing

 Other Artists:

Paintings by my dad, Khalid S. Waheed