Friday, May 7, 2010

101 things to do before you're old and boring

This blog was inspired by the book: 101 things do to before you're old and boring by Richard Horne and Helen Szirtes

1. Send a message in a bottel

2. Run up an escalator the wrong way (I did this back in high school with Taline at Fairview and I was holding my tape recorder the entire time, while recording. When I finally made it up to the top I was laughing and out of breath and I said to her: haha ha, and you thought I could not make it!)

3. Make an origami crane ( I once made a pink flamingo without even knowing what I was aiming for!)

4. Learn how to tell when someone likes you and when they don't

5. Keep a dream diary ( I have written my dreams when I woke up and still had them fresh in mind and I think most of them could be movie scripts!)

6. Touch these creatures (easy for me because I had pets and studied EWM):

-Mouse (I had pet mice and also did small mammal trapping at school.)

-Butterfly (I had one land on me at the botanical gardens when the butterflies are free. I also collected all kinds of bugs for a school project.)

-Worm (I must have been a child the first time I played with a worm but the last time was during a worm watch presentation at school.)

-Bird (I had a cockateil for a while and did bird banding at school.)

-Spider (Who has never had a spider land on them? Daddy long legs are cool to hold. They kill a bunch of flies and mosquitoes so do not kill them!)

-Snake (I owned a Ball Python previously and held all kinds of snakes during the exotics course in Animal Health at Vanier. Even my interview at Granby Zoo required that I hold a very large Ball Python.)

-Frog (I had African Red Belly toads and Albino frogs. I also caught a few native species during the frog study in Lachute.)

-Fish (I use to be afraid but I had to face my fears when I had to manipulate fish for measuring, tagging and weighing labs at school and worked in a pet store when I caught them sometimes by hand.)

-Beetles (My favorite beetles are stink bugs and lady bugs.)

7. Prepare yourself for fame

8. Learn to play an instrument (I played drums since 2004.)

9. Play a computer game till the end

10. Have an embarrissing moment and get over it. (Being with Frank in 2004.)

11. Get your school involved in a world record attempt

12. Paint a picture good enough to hang on the wall

13. Learn to whistle different ways like with and without fingers and make other noises like water drops and armpit farting (I can only make a plain loud whistle.)

14. See a ghost (I did in a nightmare, does that count?)

15. Fart and burp in public in different places

16. Make a swear box

17. Act in a play

18.Win something (Two drawing contests in 1998; one first prize for a taxage themed police logo contest and the other was a Laurentide bank calender for the month of March 1998.)

19. Make a t-shirt (I have made at lease ten! Most make great gift ideas and I own about six animal loving shirts with Pandas, Paw prints and even Peta ads.)

20. Stay up all night (Going to Circus with Chloe in 2005 and straight to work at Dollarama the next day!)

21. Sleep all day (With Dan after our night out for Nuit Blanche!)

22. Invent a secret code (In the sixth grade with Taline we made up drawings for each letter of the alphabet in order to write secret messages to each other.)

23. Learn to do a card trick (I can guess your card when taken from pne deck of cards and placed into another. Hint: They are different color decks!)

24. Grow something from a seed (I grew sunflowers once and some herbs in botany class.)

25. Start a collection (I got a panda collection bigger than my key chain collection, Spice Girls collection, Pocahuntas collection, and pet collection!)

26. Help save the planet (I recycle, reuse, bike, ride the bus, help save animals and have a vegetarian diet.)

27. Turn back time to fool a friend

28. Learn to do a party trick

29. Climb to the top of a mountain (Almost got to the top of Black Mountain, where a plane crashed during the second world war in St-Dona. I was with my dad, and brothers Philip and Noel. We took pictures and carved our names into a tree: "KPCN".

30. Make a one minute movie (See Peer Pressure on my blog. Made by Aella.)

31. Host a party (Birthdays and House Warmings mostly.)

32. Visit:

-A safari park (Went on the behind the scenes tour at Parc Safari with animal health.)

-A carnaval

-A fort

-A theme park (I had a La Ronde season pass in 1998.)

-A farm sanctuary (I stayed on a farm in Norway.)

-An aquarium (Melbourne Aquarium in Australia.)

-The country side (Stayed in Lachute at the Vanier College Field Station.)

-Another country (I have been to Norway, Cuba, Hawaii, Australia, L.A., New Zealand and Fiji.)

-A capital abroad

33. Learn to bake a cake (I made a chocolate cake for my 12th birthday and decorated it with Kenny from South Park.)

34. Hide a treasure and leave a map for a friend to find (I had made a treasure hunt for my little brother Noel's thirteeth birthday which lead him to a pile of bacon inside the freezer.)

35. Learn how to ask someone out and how to dump them.

36. Start your own blog (This is mine!

37. Write lyrics for a song (comming up soon on my blog.)

38. Make a time capsule by filling in objects and letters into a box, then burry it and open it in 50 years! (I once wrote a letter to my future self to see if it will be as I expected.)

39. Be a genius and succeed in school

40. Take care of an animal ( I had many pets including cats, bunnies, mice, frogs, lizards, snakes, fish, birds and a scorpion.)

41. Learn to love vegetables and Tofu (I am vegetarian!)

42. April fool someone

43. Do something charitable like volunteer at an animal shelter

44. Teach your grandparents something new (Showed my Farmor how to operate a digital camera in Fiji.)

45. Invent a new game (I made up the drinking game black or red with card. Guess right and you choose who drinks. Guess wrong and you must drink!)

46. Go as fast as you can like by foot, car, metro, train, plane, etc. (The fatsest I went was free falling 15000 feets when sky diving in New Zealand! What a rush!)

47. Make your own buttons and wear them

48. Watch classic films

49. Read classic novels

50. Pretend to be ill convincinly (I called in sick once only to avoid being late!)

51. Save your allowance for a month and spend it all at once (Trip to Cuba!)

52. Learn to swim (Took lessons at age four at the Briawood pool.)

53. Suceed at something you're bad at (Skateboarding!)

54. Be a daredevil (Back in high school I never refused to do a dare! Once I jumped out of the school bus emergency exit!)

55. Invent a new trend (This happens all the time by accident but the only problem is I want to be different but then others copy me! I was the first to wear high heels and bleach my hair in the sixth grade, 1999. I was inspired by the Spice Girls. Later, in high school, I got my tongue pierced like Mel. B!)

56. Know who your friends are

57. Plant a tree and climb it when you're older

58. Start a band

59. Camp out in the back yard (done it in 1996 with Noel.)

60. Learn to live without something you love for a week (When living up at the field station for six months from monday to friday, I missed my cats, Tyler and QT so much! Now I have not seen them in months as they are staying with Karen

61. Join a club

62. Cook a meal (See my Veggies dishes blog, my favorite is the veggie meatballs with mushroom sauce.)

63. List the things the parents say they will tell you when you're older or list the things you want to know or do before you die (See my Bucket List blog.)

64. Make your skateboard or bike look cool (I put a bunch of stickers on my skateboad.)

65. Learn to juggle (I can only juggle with hankerchifs.)

66. Have a snowball fight and fun in the snow

67. Build the ultimate sand castle and have fun in the sun

68. Take part in a TV show

69. Make a scene in a public place (Stoof, Levia, Taline and I pretended to have drugs on us so that we would get "caught" by our high school security. They searched us only to find nothing and everyone knew about so they laughed at them when we were released from the office.)

70. Spend Christmas in another country

71. Do something nice without being asked

72. See you music idol perform live

73. Have a sleep-over (My best friend Lorelei and I had many sleep-overs even after she moved to St-Lazare from across the street.)

74. Become a spy

75. Watch a tadpole grow into a frog (My ex brought some eggs back from a pond and we watched one grown into a baby frog in our own aquarium!)

76. Learn to say useful phrases in other languages (I took beginner's Spanish, but only after my trip to Cuba when I had to ask for directions after getting lost on a moped.)

77. Make your own greetings cards (I think I made more than I bought, tell you the truth!)

78. Hold a garage sale (Had many during the summer time but never made much money with them, only got rid of some junk!)

79. Build an igloo (Made a Quinzee at school for our Winter Survival Techniques course.)

80. Start your own secret society

81. Research you family tree (I started doing it when tipsy off wine one day but I have not yet completed it.)

82. Learn to skip stones

83. Dye your hair (I,ve done blonde, red, black, blue, brown, etc.)

84. Lobby your local representative (Ask Jean Charest to finally make a law to shut down all puppy mills once and for all. See my blog on SPA Canada.)

85. Write a story and get it published

86. Sing in front of an adience (So far only in Kareokee and behind the scenes...)

87. Learn to use long words

88. Blame someone else

89. Learn to stick up for yourself

90. Get from A to B using a map (Thanks to Orienteering and Ecocartography, I am pretty good using a map and compass!)

91. Send a valentin card

92. Have your own plot in the garden (As a child I use to plant random flowers and vegetable in the yard and my mom would wonder what was growing!)

93. Build your own website

94. See your name in print (Once in the Gazette, with a picture, after being interviewed on St-Catherine's about the economical crisis, three times in the Cites Nouvelles; for winning a drawing contest, for asking the city to put a skatepark in Pierrefonds, and one about the Puppy Mill protest I organized, which also appeared in the Chronicle with a picture!)

95. Make a unique milkshake (I made a yummy Reese lavored one.)

96. Glu coins to the floor

97. Learn to take great photos (Still learning...)

98. Drive something (I drove a car in New Zealand on the oposite side of the road and a scooter in Cuba, when I drove the wrong way on a one way!)

99. Be vegetarian for a week (I have been vegetarian over three years now!)

100. Meet someone famous (I met Sum41 and Zach Braff.)

101. Decide what you want to be when you grow up (Wildlife Biologist.)
