From Innocence To Experience

This is where I will post all updates of journals I have typed. I am writing an auto-biography by compiling a collection of 20 diaries from ages 7 to 27. It is still in the making and when published it may be printed and released in 2015. The titled was inspired by a writer William Blake.

From Innocence to Experience
A collection of Journals
By Corinne Waheed

I always told myself I would read my journals again but I never really did. Today, on March 6th 2010, I decided to start typing them up all in order.

Diary 1: Small pink hard cover with teddy bears and shapes
Entry date: 1994 to 1998

(A piece of hair is taped to the first page, along with various stickers.)

The following journal has been translated from its original French version.


Today, I am 7 years old. My mom gave me this nice journal.


When I will be big I want a cat. It’s true. Today I am 8 years old and I have six mice. I also have 11 fish. But when I am big I want a small cat.


I have finished my homework. I played and played and played a lot. I had fun. Then afterwards, I ate super. And then I had dessert. I was good.


(Stickers of the Simpsons and soft giraffes are present.)


Today Satyanand, my oldest cousin, and Grand-papa are at our house. I am very happy Satyanand is with his girlfriend Lea. I made a card for Satyanand because it is his birthday on Monday. My mom gave him a nice gift; it was a scarf and chocolates.


We played scrabble and I won! I played with Grand-papa, mommy and Satyanand. I made a seven letter word in French: “Lecture”. I had fun. It is Saturday and Monday it is Satyanand’s birthday.


Tomorrow is the day of Easter. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Today is Saturday. It is 9:10 am and soon it will be 9:11 am. My mom is getting up at 10:00 am.


The morning of Easter. I have 35 eggs to find. I found 34, and I have one left to find. We are going to the “Cabane a Sucres”. I am looking forward to going to the “Cabane a Sucres”. My mom said she will tell me where the Easter Bunny hid the eggs in my room. I even got a little gift. I got a small rabbit toy. My mom is very nice. We are watching a movie. It is now 10:11 in the morning. It’s a man who becomes a woman ad a woman who becomes a man. Ha! Ha! Ha! It is very funny!  (A small picture is drawn showing a TV remote control and a television showing a ghost and a smiling pumpkin.)


My friend is coming over to my house, her name is Nina. We went skating. We also played drawing, made arts and crafts, and had a little snack. Then she left home.


Stephanie is at my house just like Nina was over before. Le brother of my friend, Mathieu, came over to play with my brother Noel.


I have a lot of female friends. But I do not have any male friends yet. I am only 8 years old and its my birthday on October 15th. On October 15th, I will be celebrating my 9th birthday. Last Friday was a day off. Then Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and today it is Wednesday, and tomorrow is the last day of Easter break before we go back to school. It is still snowing and it is spring. It snows and then it’s pretty hot. We have sun. It is 10:32 in the morning. Now it is 11:20, we are going to have lunch soon. My friend Nina is going to the dentist at noon. Her sister is going too.


Today a small girl who is 7 years old tried to cross the country of the United States. Her name is Jessica. She did this while flying a plane. But she is dead.


Today we received a vaccine at school. I did not cry. I felt worried. But it was fast. My friend Nina started crying.


We are watching a movie. The movie is called The Simpsons. There are three movies of the Simpsons. Afterwards, I will be going to bed. My mom is already asleep. It is joyful.


I am going over to my friend’s house. Her name is Lorelie (Lorelei) Reid. She wants me to bring my Doodle Bear. She has one too. A Doodle Bear is a teddy bear that you can draw with (on).


We are Saturday and it is 12:15 and at 3:00 pm my brother Noel is going to a birthday party. His friend’s name is Kirk. Kirk is 6 years old today. Yesterday he was five.


My mom jumped off a plane with a parachute. She was as small as a dot the size of a mouse’s eye with a parachute in the sky. I was so excited I ran towards her with my two brothers Philip and Noel after she landed. (Drawing of a stick man with a parachute, then a heart and turtle stickers.)


(Stickers of a smiling sun, butterflies and a rainbow over happy animals such as a panda, polar bear, koala, brown bear, blue bird, bunny rabbit, giraffe, kangooroo, fox, horse and a raccoon.)


We are in the car; we are going on a vacation to Gaspé to see my Uncle Robert- my mom’s brother. (Drawing of the van on the road with six passengers driving between two trees, over a sticker from the dentist: “Born to Smile”.)


9:57. Today it is Friday, November the twenty ninth (26th) and it is almost Christmas. I am super anxious for Christmas. On Christmas I want seven presents. I want all five Sailor Moon people (dolls), a Mini Sailor Moon book and the Pet Doctor Barbi (Veterinarian Barbie doll). (Stickers of a smiling moon and shooting stars.)


I went over to Lorelei’s and I slept over after she came over for a sleep-over. We ripped some books, ate pop corn and cookies. (Small drawing of chocolate chip cookies and popcorn in a bowl.)


Guess what! We are Sunday, the 30th of March and its Easter! I have 36 eggs to find and I have found 31 already. I have 5 eggs left to find. My mom helped me to find them. My mom gave me and the whole family a lot of candy and presents. We are going to the “Cabane a Sucres” just like last year and the year before, as we always go to the “Cabane a Sucres” when it’s Easter. My grand-papa gave us each large chocolate figurines. Mine had a teddy bear inside. (Stamp of a bear playing soccer and a crocodile.)


Hello, today I am 10 years old. I also forgot to write in this nice journal for seven months. My birthday was fun. I invited 10 friends over. I got many gifts like a nano puppy, a digital doggie, a Dear Diary (Electronic Journal),4 teddy bears, a tea set, a pair of “bel batens” pants (bell bottoms), a sweater from my sister with 5$, a soap dish, two arts and crafts games, two Sailor Moon books; numbers 13 and 14, 5$ and a card from Noel, and a shirt, a bottle of jus and stickers from Philip, etc. Youpi! I played many games and I got a nice cake. It was in the shape of a teddy bear. Since my birthday was on the 15th of October, a school day, we celebrated it on the twelfth, on a Sunday, and the next day was Easter Monday and we had no school. My friends came over form 12pm to 4pm. It was fun. Stephanie stayed over longer. My friends were: Stephanie, Lorelei, Marie-Claude, Marie- Andrée, Marcelle, Marjorie, Jessica, Debaura, At and Nicole. My birthday was October 15th. At school, my teacher gave me a lead pencil and Camille gave me a 3D card. 10 years old was my favorite birthday. On Halloween, I was dressed as cat-woman at the skating arena, a Chinese girl at school, a witch for trick-or-treating door-to-door and a rabbit at ballet class the next day. Skating in the arena was fun. We school, we did a party! On the day of, I got a lot of candy and my legs were tired after that long journey. Even after all that, I watched my “TGIF”! (Drawing of me as a witch wearing a TGIF shirt and watching the “Sabrina the teenage witch” Halloween special on TV.)


Today it is Monday. Saturday I went to Beachwood School after ballet class to buy Christmas gifts at the Kraf faire (Kraft Fair). I spent 10$ all together and I brought 20$. Here were the prices: two elastics for 50 cents each (drawing of an alien and toucan bird elastic), an small bear in a Christmas stocking with a candy cane tree ornament for 2,50$, a Panda bear bookmark and a 5$ Fimo necklace (drawing of a bear head on a paper clip, the Christmas  stocking with a bear and candy cane inside and a necklace with a multi-colored dinosaur pendant on it.) Lorelei gave me a golden angel made from a pine cone.
Over the weekend Grand-Papa came over. He is still here. I forgot to tell you about my nicest gifts I received on my Birthday! It was a new bicycle from Farmor and a new desk with a mirror from my mom. The bicycle is purple, lime green and black. Right now it is a little big for me; I need to get up on the sidewalk to manage to get on to it. Once I am on it, I can ride it easily. The desk is very solid, nice and beige colored with pink flowers on it. When my mom gave it to me it had a bow on it. The bow was pink. She also gave me a card that came with a bage (badge). It is now 12:52 and school starts at 1:09. Have you noticed I was no longer writing single spaced? (Drawing of a smiley face.) Just for the present moment!


Now I am not writing single spaced anymore. I find it easier to read when it is double spaced. Today is remembrance day. My journal is beginning to become secret! I have a little word to share with you. Today I am in the fifth grade and I think I have a little male friend. He is very nice. His name is Patrick. He is in the other 5th grade class. (Drawing of me and Patrick, separated by a line). I was wrong. Patrick likes Valerie. Valerie is so stupid. Oh well love has not yet begun. Maybe around sixteen or twelve years. Patrick + Valerie! Hi! Ha! Ha! Ha!

In class I was next to Stephanie since the beginning of the year but I talk too much with her. Because of this, she has changed place with Lucia. Lucia is nice; she gave me a pen and a new pencil. We have become friends! Now Stephanie no longer wants to be my friend. I am not sure why but that it won’t last. (Drawing of me and Nicole having fun while Stephanie frowns in the background). I have other friends.

I knew it, Stephanie and I are “Best Friends” again. It only lasted only recess! Maybe she thought she was lonely without me. (Drawing of me and her holding hands and laughing.) She doesn’t have many friends. It’s no surprise! She is shy (drawing of a sad face).

I have not yet spoken about Marie-Andrée and I am writing single spaced again. I only do this when I feel like it. Now I will stop talking about it! Ok, I was talking about Marie. She was my “Best Friend” but thanks to Marie-Claude we are only really good friends. (Drawing of me and Marie-Claude fighting over Marie-Andrée; pulling each one of her arms towards each one of us.)

Wow! I forget and forget! I forgot to say that Grand-papa, when he was here last weekend he brought us to Buffet Karine (Kirine). Karine sounds like my name. Mmmmm! It was good over there!

This is the 9th page I am writing today. My hand hurts. Mamma (Maman) you forgot to sign my agenda! Maman! Me and my mother, we always forget little things. Maman!

It is the eleventh of the eleventh and I do not know why but I really want to write today. Oh, no! It is 8:28 pm. I have to go to bed. Bye! Bye!


Diane, my teacher is nice. Claude, the other teacher is funny. Right now she is reading a book because she reads one chapter per day. Claude, he doesn’t read. But I never really listened to her anyways.

(Drawing of a stuffed bunny back pack.) Here you go, an eye lash. I made a wish. I want a Timi. Timi and Pixie are rabbit teddy-bags! Pixie, not the mouse Pixie we have, named after Philip as we have six mice; Kixie, Dixie, Tixie, Pixie, Cixie and Nixie, but the school bad Pixie. Stephanie, Nicole, Christina, ect. (etc.) they all have Timi. But not me.

I saw a film that really touched me…it’s about 3, or 4 witches. It is called: “The Craft”. After the movie I believed that me myself I was a witch too! It’s funny.

I am in my bed. I am finished studying. My brother (Philip) is watching a TV show and he is in the kitchen. Le TV is so loud I can hear it from here.

Me, at school, how’s it going? Well, very well thank you. When my grand parents ask me this question this is what I tell them in response. Also, I tell them, I have a lot of friends. (Smiley face drawing.) Marie-Andrée, me and Stephanie get along great all together. But Marie is in the other class, with Claude. Three good friends (drawing of a flower and three bear stickers): Stephanie and me together and Marie-Andrée running towards us.

Oh! I am tired! Very tired, but it is only 8:40 pm. I have many teddy bears, like 136. One hundred and thirty-six bears to hold me in their arms. ZzZzz….


Noel’s birthday is approaching. I am excited for Christmas. I would like to receive a Timi for sure, but this is not possible. Instead I would like to have: a quit (kit) to do nails, a Melanie’s mall doll and money.

When I did my first communion, I lent a small flexible doll with brown hair and lime green pants with a purple shirt, who rides a bicycle, to a girl named Isabella. She never gave it back. She said she can’t find it anymore. I eventually got it back, years later.

Today as I was supposed to go to the dentist, my mom decided that my dad should check my teeth. If there is a cavity then we are going to the dentist. It is simpler than paying 40$ for two minutes. My mom thinks it should be free. (Sticker from the dentist of a man wearing brasses and saying “I’m going straight” as he points to his teeth).

It is lunch time and we are watching the Simpson’s. There are stickers of the parents Marge and Homer and one of the whole family at the front of this journal. I love my mice, they are very cute! (Stickers of colorful bears). Good night! I am going to bed now. Here is my agenda: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; all these days are off!


Hello, today we are Monday and Saturday I went to see a movie with my friend Lorelei, without any adults for the first time! We saw: “BAEN” (Mr. BEAN). It was funny. J


(Sticker of an orange tabby kitten playing with a ball.) Do you think this cat is cute? I do, I mean, for a sticker. It makes me think of the kitten that Grand-papa had before.


Today I am sad because my mouse “Cixie” died. At first, I thought I was dreaming, but it’s true! (Drawing of me with a large tear and a flower on a tomb stone written “R.I.P. Cixie” on it.) We buried her in the backyard near Dixie, who died in my hands in the wash room while my brother was in the shower…I let it go when my mom pushed me out of the bathroom and it rolled down into the sink. I was so sad I wrote a song for her.


We are getting closer to Christmas. I am installed on my desk, eating baby cut carrots and listening to my radio. I think I saw Cixie in the mouse cage. (Drawing of Cixie as an angel, smiling.)

Today the whole school was invited to have lunch at school. We left at 1:30 in the after-noon. We did a gift exchange in class. I choose Isabelle Seguin and Marietta choose me. My mom got, for Isabelle, a box with 3 crayons, 8 stickers, one eraser and sparkles for arts and crafts. Marietta gave me a crayon (fancy pen), a cherry chocolate bar and a ball with a girl holding her teddy bear. It’s a ball you shake and snow falls –a snow globe. It is nice because I have a collection of these kinds of balls. J (Sticker of 5 mice Christmas caroling).


I am anxious for Christmas. There is only four days left before Christmas. There is also only 11 days left of the year! Youppii!!! The mice on the previous page are cute!!!!


I can’t wait till Christmas! It’s in only 3 days! Youpi! For Christmas I want: a crayon kit, a towel material made teddy bear and a Sears’s bear that transforms into a present, etc…


Today Marie-Andrée has invited me to play over at her house. I had not been in a while. (Sticker of a dog laying on a window sill below three hanging Christmas bells).


The day before Christmas! Youpi! We are allowed to open gifts between brothers and sisters. I got a teddy bear from Thalie, books from Philip and 5$ from Noel.


I got everything I wanted. (Sticker of a cat sleeping over an open fire, where four stockings are hanging with T, P, C and N written on them by hand.) I even got much more!

It is now Christmas night. We are at Babaji and Farmor’s. We had a magnificient Turkey diner with nice desserts…My favorite Christmas ever! J


Tomorrow is New Years day. Youpi! Today is the last day of the year 1997. I made a nice drawing for my parents.


The new year is supper! We are at my grand-parents: Babaji and Farmor. We ate little pizzas last night. With chocolates and chips, etc. It is 1:45pm and my perents are coming to get us at 3:00 pm. And at 3:00pm we are going to Grand-papa’s house! I can’t wait!

I did not write much on Christmas day because I was far too busy playing…J with my new toys. Philip and Noel are teasing each other as always, which is nothing new. I am writing in my journal…L I can hear my brother (Noel) crying…(drawing of him crying). If only they could be a little more like me, sitting quietly, not a word. If you are wondering who I am talking about check the previous page (entry). J

On December 28th I got myself a talking nano puppy with the 50$ that Farmor gave me for Christmas. She is so nice!


Today is Farmor’s birthday. We are at her house. Since Tuesday, at around 7:03 am in the morning we have no school because we got what’s called “freezing rain”-later known as ‘Ice Storm 98’, and the worst it’s ever been! The night before last night Lorelei came to sleep-over even if we had no electricity. When we woke up we were cold. Very cold in fact!


I am in front of the TV, I am watching “Super Dave”. It’s funny. With my allowance that my dad gave me (5$), I got a teddy scarf. (Drawing of a long bodied bear-scarf).


When I write in here, its not because I had a ‘bad day stamp’ or a ‘sad day stamp’, its because I have a day like ‘visit at the dentist stamp’ or ‘visit the doctor stamp’, etc.

On the 7th of January, I slept over at Lorelei’s. On the 13th Lorelei saw the movie “Mr. Magoo” with me and that night I slept over her house. On the 14th, she slept over. Cool! Man!

Stephanie is really fat these days. And she is not really my friend anymore either. I think I have a little friend (crush). His name is Alan Noel. –Top Secret Page:
ToP SecreT:
  1. Pierre-Marc likes Melissa.
  2. Stephanie likes Patrick.
  3. Isabelle Houle likes Kin.
  4. Kazusa like Micheal.
  5. Corinne and Alan like each other


We really thought that Cixie was dead on December 3rd 1997. But I saw her in the cage, so maybe it was not Cixie but Tixie that died I said to myself. It was hard to tell them all apart since they were all white albino mice with red eyes. To tell them apart we compared their sizes. Cixie, my mouse was the smallest and Pixie, Philip’s mouse, was the largest. But then I saw Tixie in the cage. This time we were not mistaken. We clearly saw it was Kixie that died. Now we only have two mice left, Cixie and Tixie, the two smallest mice. Sadly, Pixie died! At first it was hard to believe but then I got over it. (drawing of Pixie’s grave, two flowers on either side of a tomb stone written: R.I.P. Pixie Born: April 1st 1995; Died: January 24th 1998. Over the grave is a sun and Pixie’s thoughts of a haven with all the mouse food in the world he could eat.)

I saw the movie of James Bond 007 “Goldeneye; Tomorrow Never Dies”. I also saw Titanic, Ameragin Werwolf (American Warewolf ) and Fulbber (Flubber) again with my mom, Philip and Noel. Four movies in one night! Wow! (Drawing of the James Bond movie playing in the cinema, with Bond’s character saying: “The names Bond, James Bond.” And us four sitting, and watching.)

Sunday I saw the movies. Monday I was at school with Marie and we lost electricity! Today it’s Saturday and Saturday I went to the theater to see the movie “Spice Wlord” (Spice World) with my sister Thalie! We got there early so we went to Calories, a coffee shop near by, and Thalie had an orange smoothie and I had a small chocolate milk. Today I also bought my very first album at Future Shop. The album of the “Spice Girls”! I like them very much.

My parents were supposed to go to Haiti but their trip was consoled. They then decided to go Dominican Republic instead. They went for two weeks. It is 10:43 and I miss them already. They are sleeping at Grand-papa’s house tonight and they are leaving at 6:00am in the morning. That is very early, very early!


Today is the first day of February. I am going to write each and every day that my parents are gone for two weeks. When I spoke about the mice, I forgot to say that Tixie has a broken back leg! But at least Cixie helps her a lot, just like in this image: (drawing of Cixie bringing food pellets to Tixie, whos back leg is hanging behind.) The mice are still sleeping, it is 10:43 am. Mice sleep during the day and stay awake at night, it’s normal, they are nocturnal. I am in Philip’s room. I see Cixie eating a penut (peanut), in the cage. Tixie is still sleeping. (Drawing of her sleeping anf Cixie eating). My brother Philip is playing Nintendo 64 (again).

I have not yet written top secret stuff in my little journal, but maybe I will when I am older. (Drawing of a journal with “Top Secret Diary” written on it with a safety lock).

I am very happy these days! I am becoming more and more popular! (Drawings of me wearing Filas, Addidas and Nike, and singing: “Je suis cool, je suis cool, je suis cool!”. I love these objects: (drawings of my talking nano, my toutou and Timi, the bunny bag).

My sister Thalie loves her boyfriend Carl! (Funny drawing of them two kissing).
Two of Lorelei’s Best Friends: 1. Patsy=Fatsy (drawing of a smelly turd) and 2. Ryan Berger= Hamburger (drawing of a manwhich). Patsy and Vanessa are BFF, but sadly they can’t even hug each other! (Drawing of them trying to hug but they are too fat).


Ok so Noel is writing Valentine cards, Philip is eating breakfast and I am writing and writing in this nice little journal my mom gave me at the age of seven. (drawing of me sitting and writing in my little journal).

I am in class. I have nothing to do. My teacher just got here. She was late! And she tells us to hurry up! Today we have physical education class! Youpi! I have a little poem to tell you. If you don’t know what I mean you will see. Now you know what I mean. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. (This rhymes in French, I guess that was what I was saying.)

In my dictation, I got 45/50, The average mark was 37/50. I beat the average score! I got 35/40 in English, I love English class. I have it every Wednesday and Friday.

I am experiencing things, here, at school. It’s amazing! Now we finish the ‘jogging’ (a quiz on different subjects seen over the past week, mostly math questions) and we are starting ‘cathechase(a period dedicated to the teachings of Jesus Christ and religion). We are starting with the prayer and after Diane reads a story about Jesus. Diane really likes ‘cathechase’. I find it boring, especially with her of course! Pray, pray and pray twice a week! (Bad drawing of Jesus Christ on the right hand side).

My two new teddy bears: Mousie (a Valentine’s Day mouse) and Reptor (a green lizard hand puppet) each had their own turn to come to school for a complete day. What I like a lot is that Reptor is a puppet. (Bear sticker present).


Today in class we have a new student that I still do not know the name of but he is Chinese. He is very calm. He is probably shy. Just like the book: “Sophie devient sage”. (Drawing of the student, named Xiao, sitting calmly at his desk with his hands together. This is the same student I was later asked to apologize to as I had scratched his face I don’t remember why or how. He would always drag his feet when he walked..) This morning he was drawing in a book. It was the reading book that belongs to the school. He is not allowed! Diane reads the chapter of the day. Afterwards, we are writing an exam! (Drawing of a cat traced from a sticker on the following page.)

There was a homework that I needed my mom to help me complete. (My parents are still in Dominican Republic.) It’s the family tree for ‘cathechase’. I can’t wait till tomorrow because I am going to have English class. I love English class with Miss Fiset. (Drawing of me handing in a paper to Miss Fiset.)


The name of the new kid in my class, I think it’s Diao. A stupid name. But he is Chinese. I understand a lot…I like the name Corinne… (The cat sticker previously traced in here).

The date of this page is written with a red pen. I like this red pen. (It’s the one I used to write the date.) You see, this one. (Once again, these words written with that same liquid red pen.) It’s the pen I use to correct in class. Bye! Bye!

Sadly, Tixie is dead. Now Cixie is the last one left alive. She is all alone in the big cage. Poor her. Poor Cixie…


We have not yet buried Tixie. Poor her, when she died it looked as if she was crying. With tears in her eyes, her caca was coming out but had not finished coming out when she died. We will always love you Tixie! Forever! (Drawing of Tixie’s grave. A tomb stone with a large cross on top, surrounded by flowers and my face crying. On the tomb stone it says: “R.I.P. Tixie Waheed Born:95/04/02 Died:98/02/03.) She had a long life, as for all domestic mice, they have a life expectancy or 2 to 3 years. It is still never easy to accept a death in the family. Loosing a pet can be most difficult and painful to pass.

In my mouth, one of my teeth is moving. Last night, it almost fell out! (Blood stains on the page are dried and brown in appearance.) There you go, some blood coming from my tooth. (More blood stains are present.) Wow! My tooth just fell out!


I do not know how to draw the Simpsons. (Really bad drawing of Marge Simpson.)  Here is a drawing of Marge. Look at her hair! It’s so ugly!

The date of this page is once again written in red and the writing continues in this fashion half way trough the page. We just saw everything on the Spice Girls, Marie-Claude and I. We went on the Internet. The pencil comes back into play. There was full of pictures on the Spice Girls, I liked them a lot! But sadly, we could not print them.


Today in ballet class, I had to be placed with the boy in my ballet class to do exercises, because my friend was sick and missed the class.

My nice grand-papa gave me seven chocolate bars. Lorelei came over with a movie to watch. The movie is called: “Austin Powers”. It’s funny!


Today Lorelei invited me to go with her to Cabarai (Becket Players, a Cabaret show), where her dad sings. (Drawing of my talking nano puppy singing ‘MMMmmmBop!’ by the Hanson brothers.) I had a lot of fun today. Her brother, Wesley, gave us each a doughnut and drove us home. The Lorelei invited me over to play Sims on the computer.


At the fourth period we have physical education and we are going to play hockey, and maybe perhaps we will play outside on the ice, if we are good. If not we will play soccer inside. Either way, I can’t wait!

(Drawing of a stick man with sunglasses and a large nose.) We are watching Mr.Comper. And now we have to get ready. The red pen starts again. Ok, now I am in class, at school. Our teacher has given us new books. (A picture or sticker of s Siamese cat is taped on the page.)


I might end up buying the CD of the Hanson Brothers. Yes it’s their first CD, called “Middle of Nowhere”, an English name. Did you know they are 8 people in their family? (The CD cover is glued on to the page. It is orange and had all three Hanson Brothers on the cover sitting in a field: Zack, Taylor and Isaac Hanson.)

I will my parents. I am looking forward to their return. And for everything to become normal again. My mom drives me to ballet class, not my grand-father. And my parents come to pick me up and drop me off, not the bus. And that I have to sit with kindergarteners in the bus! ETC….


Today is Wednesday, it’s my favorite day, as well as Friday. Wednesday, its ‘cathechase’, Math, English and Library. Friday we have two periods of computer time, English and no homework! I also like Thursday because we have two periods of arts and crafts. I also forgot to say that on Friday, my mom makes peanut butter sandwiches for lunch! (Drawing of another traced cat sticker on the next page.) Tuesday it’s music class and Monday my mom makes bagels and it’s the gum. Saturday I have ballet from 1:15 pm to 2:15 pm. Sunday I play with my friends or go to the movies, etc.


Tomorrow we are doing a big party at school and it’s to celebrate St-valentine’s day. Today I received my report card. You see this cat? (Sticker of a long haired cat previously traced.) It’s the cat that I traced.

Lucia told me a big secret. And this is why I am writing it in my journal. Her BIG SECRET is that she likes Micheal and Kin Saro. I like Alan of course!


We had a big party at school, for St-Valentine’s day. I received Valentines from: Noel, Nicole, Lucia, Jessica, Marie-Andree, two from Lorelei, and the last one was from my sister Thalie. That’s 10 Valentine cards in all. Some of my friends told me that they had received Valentines from the Hanson brothers, but I did not believe them of course! (Picture of the book ‘Totally Taylor’ glued on that page. I had bought the Zack book.)


My mom came back with my dad around 7:30-8:00. They gave me two t-shirts, a necklace, a monkey that grabs onto my door, and 25$! I used that money to buy a CD, the second Spice Girls CD, called Spice World.


The 15th its my mom’s birthday. On the 11th it was my dad’s birthday. Today, on the 15th, I made a cake to celebrate both occasions. My poor dad’s back is hurting. Poor him! (Drawing of a heart.)


The following is written in pink and purple Doodle Bear markers. I lost 3 teeth since my parents left.  To say I lost three teeth in two weeks seems like a lot. I forgot to say so before, but I did loose one while writing. While my parents were gone on vacation, I decided that when I am older, like around 20 years old, I would like to sing!

My sister says her friends think I am cute, meaning pretty. Thalie even said that her boyfriend Carl thinks I am cute!

My teacher told me that one of the books I ordered from Scholastics was out of stock. They sent me another book instead for free and gave me my money back. The book is called “Girls who Rock”. (Picture of the book glued on the page; it shows celebrities like Gwen Stephanie, Celine Dion, Jewel, Madona and the Spice Girls on the cover. Next to it is a sticker of a dinosaure.) But the other three things went well; the super stars date book, the Sabrina the teenage witch pak (pack) and the Valentines from Super Stars. (Pictures of a Sabrina the teenage witch book and Leo, Spice Girls, Jewel, Hanson and Sabrina’s Valentines are glued in these pages.) Yesterday, my mom gave me a Spice Girls magazine!


I can”t wait till tomorrow because it’s frieday. I love Fridays. It’s the morning. Diane, my teacher is reading a chapter from a scary book. I am not scared! Students are insisting that she reads more. The last chapter ended with Alexander following drops of blood that seemed to be coming from Eric’s room. She opens the door…and the chapter ended.

In the third grade Alex liked me and he still does. I don’t really like him in that way. Alexandre just told me that I am alone with Husein in my row. I don’t care. 3, 4, 6, … or 10!

In my reading book it’s written by drawings: (Drawings of a bird, then a mouse, then a frog and finally a bunch of arrows.) Which means: “If you escape in the air like a bird, underground like a mouse, in the water like a frog, your arrows will kill you.” It is also written, in weird letters: (I try to trace what looks like Japanese writing.) Which means: “Hello, My name is Xiao.” (More traced letters follow, which signifies his name.)


It is 2:17 in the afternoon and we are soon going to recess! After recess, its English class!!! I love English, I love English class a lot, I adore English, English rules!

In this book I wrote about three years of my life. I am on my third. I found something in the class. It’s a pencil case that is purple and empty. Cool!

Gabrielle is a baby. She pokes us in the belly and laughs! (Drawing of the Pillsbury dough boy getting poked and saying while laughing: “Hi! Hi!”)

After school, I am going to watch TGIF. I can’t wait it starts at 8:00 pm and goes on till 10:00 pm. This means that there is four shows! (Boy Meets World, My favorite Genie, Sabrina the Teenaged Witch, and Teen Angel.) I love TGIF, its great!

I am going to name you the names and nicknames of the Spice Girls:
(Geri Halliwell = Ginger Spice) + (Emma Bunton = Baby Spice) + (Melanie Christlom = Sporty Spice) + (Melanie Brown = Scary Spice) + (Victoria Beckham = Posh Spice) = Girl Power! The Spice Girls are very popular. All the girls and even some boys like them. But boys mostly like stupid things like monsters…Here is a drawing from a show called: ‘Gossbesters’ (‘Ghostbusters’). (Drawing of a green looking ghost monster with a pig nose, waving his arms up in the air with a big open mouth.)

Today’s dictation is difficult. But I think I will get at least 35/50 and maybe 12/18 in the verbs because the verbs are very difficult in French. If I am lucky, I might even get 18/18!

This year, in the year 1998, I think it’s the year that I have written most in up to date because now I am ten years old and when I was seven I wrote no more than half a page and my mom had to help me compose each sentence. At 8 years old, I wrote nothing and then afterwards, at 9 years old I started writing a lot. Now, at 10 years old, the age I am presently, I write single spaced, but not anymore.

Check out what is cool at school now besides the Spice Girls: (Drawings of sport brand logos like Addidas, Filas and Nike.) And for younger kids, what is cool is: (Drawings of Barney the dinosaur and Sailor Moon with a large frown saying “Moon Power?”).

Lucia already tried to steel my lead pencil and my eraser…But now she wants to be my friend and come over to my house, etc. I don’t know what to do!

I like highlighting because highlighting is cool. I don’t like highlighting too much though because then you can’t read it properly. The words ‘highlighting’ are highlighted in orange, then in blue and then in both orange and blue.

Here are signatures: (Signatures of students in my class are imitated by me. Here are their names:) Alexandra, Gaby J, Michel M., Lucia and Corinne Waheed (with a heart).

Here is a bear. (Drawing of a bear wearing a party hat and over-alls, holding a heart that reads: ‘I love you’.) Cute!

It is 10:25 pm. I am watching the Winter Olympics, its figure skating. (Drawing of two female figure ice skaters.)  Now skating is finished and it’s skiing. (Drawing of a skier jumping off a ramp with ‘Nagano’ written on his jump suit.)

A poem: I am on the toilette and I am peeing. When I am done I am going in the bed, of my mom. (This rhymes in French somewhat.) In my mom’s room, I am watching TV.


We are going to grand-papa’s house. My family and I, without Thalie, who got herself a cell phone, we are going cross-country skiing and then after we are going sledding.

Yesterday, I bought myself a mini back pack and a Spice Girls pen. (Drawing on me wearing the mini pack back and holding the pen while winking and saying “Cool!”)


Last week, I mean next week, it’s Spring break! I can’t wait! I will invite: Lucia, Nicole, and Lorelei. In the drawing contest we had, the winners were Candice and Ken. Not me.


The Olympics are over. I don’t like my teacher because she is mean. She doesn’t want me writing in this journal. (Drawing that looks like the Olympic torch or my journal on fire.)


Yesterday, when my mom wanted to drive me to school, the Saturn was not starting. We wanted to take the van but it was parked in front of the Saturn which was not starting. My mom turned the van and my dad fixed the Saturn to get it out of the way. I was a little late to school. (Drawings of the car situation with the van and Saturn in the driveway.)

I have now collected 20 Spice Girls things: a key chain, 2 CDs, 2 posters, 4 magazines, a diary, a lolly pop, 4 valentines, a pen, a mini back pack, 2 crazy dips (candy), a caramel lolly pop, 3 stickers and one video! Cool! Girl Power!


It is Kin’s birthday today. He gave me some Dunkin’ Donuts. We are going to eat them at recess. I can’t wait! Mmmmm!!! Tomorrow it’s the last day of the month of February. Afterwards, its March break. I can’t wait! I am looking forward to everything! English class, recess, Spring break, etc.

I can no longer find my two favorite rings. They fit inside one another, the heart into the cat. (Drawing of me crying a river and the two rings that I lost; the heart and the cat ring.)
This is Stephanie. (Drawing of a fat and ugly girl wearing heels, looking like her tummy hurts.) Ha! Ha! She became a social outcast and people made fun of her regularly.

Yesterday, my mom gave me a Spice Girls photo album and a Spice Girls bookmark. Everything is Spice Girls. There is even Spice Girl shoes, perfumes, candies, Barbies and of course clothes! They thought of everything when they sold out.

I can’t believe I forgot to watch my show! It’s This Guy Is Funny. The real word is TGIF. It actually stands for ‘Thank God Its Friday’.


Friday I lost another tooth! Now that means I lost 4 teeth since the beginning of February. Ever since my parents left on vacation they started falling out.

Yesterday and before yesterday Lorelei came over to my house. Yesterday, we went sliding at Killer Hill, in Centennial Park, with Noel, Philip and her brother Wessly (Wesley). Of course, my dad came to drive us, but he did not go down the hill once.

Before yesterday I went to school but I had no homework. After school, Lorelei came over. Her brother also came that day.

I cannot open the Spice Girls diary I have because I forgot the key at school on Friday and now it’s the beginning of March break.

Here is the drawing on one of my Valentines. (The one from Lorelei.) (Drawing of a kitten and puppy sleeping next to each other.) It’s much cuter in real life! (Cute)

This are the steps in Fingernail fun: (1. Drawing of a hand with fake nails on. 2. Drawing of a fingernail with tattooed shapes on it. 3. Drawing of a nail with a flower sticker on it. 4. Drawing of a nail with sparkles on it.) Cool! Man!

I love M&M minis. (Drawing of the tube opened with mini M&Ms flowing out, just like in the commercials I remember.)

And of course I cannot forget my mice that I love so much. (Drawings of angel mice Dixie, Tixie, Kixie, Pixie and Nixie; also Cixie, still alive.)


Here is an activity that I did with Lorelei. This activity involves two players. One first draws a shape or line on a piece of paper. Then the second player tries to make a drawing with that shape or line. It’s a lot of fun! (Drawings of an uppercase A which became a clown’s hat; a lowercase a that became someone’s head that was sleeping in bed; then an uppercase B that became a bird; a lowercase b that became a helicopter; then an uppercase C that became a hippopotamus’s head; a lowercase c that became a train; an uppercase D that became a penguin; and a lowercase d which because a man’s nose. The drawings continue this way in the following pages for the entire alphabet. That’s a total of 52 drawings! Some are more original than others.

Yesterday , I think, a baby disappeared. The garage of the house was left open. The family has a dog and it did not feel anything or even hear anything. Sabrina is missing. -22 News Now (Drawing of a baby crawling, smiling.)

My mom is going to braid my hair soon. I can’t wait! (Drawing of me with braids.)
I put this sticker on my lips. (Drawing of my face with a giant red velvet sticker of lips over my lips.)

Lorelei is moving in a month. L (Drawing in color of Lei and I giving each other our final goodbye hug, with ours houses, across the street from one another, in the background on a sunny and partially cloudy day.)

(Drawing of a colorful clown with a funny hat, green hair, and an aluminum foil piece for a smile.) One day, a clown ate a bread. This clown has a cute small rabbit. The clown loves to skate. He is looking for his skates. (Poem rhymes in French.)

Rabbit (Rhymes in French: ‘Lapin’)
(Drawing of me skating to the store with a rabbit in the background under a tree with a piece of bread.)

The rabbit
Eats a bread
Under a tree
I take out my skates,
I see a penguin
I skate to the
Store to
Bye some bread
For the small

(Drawing of a Symmetrical two paged colorful butterfly with a heart in the middles and a sun on each side.)
What is your favorite color? (Colored little spots of about 50 different colored markers and pencils. All the colors of the rainbow.)
What is your favorite animal? (Drawings of a mouse, chat, bear, dog, rat, bird or other.)

(Sticker: Born to Smile.) I am eating a Banana. Mmmmm!!! Very good! Very delicious! I love bananas. (drawing of a banana peeled with a bite taken out of it and another of me eating a banana while my mom braids my hair and laughs.)
My mom, she also has her hair braided. Here is a drawing of her. (Drawing of my mom with 36 braids sitting on a sticker: ‘Brace your brace!’ and saying: ‘I am very pretty.’

A princess. (Drawing of a girl smiling with a 3D pop out crown made of aluminum foil on her head.)
I did a good job drawing an elephant. (Drawing of a baby elephant looking up at you
while saying: ‘I am cute.’

I love to read. (Drawing of me holding a 3D aluminum foil book that has gone flat.)
I am extraspecial (extra special). (Drawing of me with aluminum foil for hair.)

Cixie is still alive. The lucky one. She is the last mouse alive. Dixie was the first, then it was Nixie, Kixie, Pixie, and Tixie.(Drawing of a fat Cixie with a belly made of aluminum foil.)

I can’t wait till my braids are finished! My mom says she would like to wiggle the tip of her nose and that they would be done. Like the TV show my mom watched ‘Be Witch!’

I am on my 21st page today, I am very happy! Tonight I am going to eat pizza! J (Drawing of a blue and orange heart.) As a young child, I hated pizza to the point that I would hide under my bed when we ordered some and when someone would come in my room looking for me I would be already in the bathroom with the door locked.

A dream. (drawing of a mouse dreaming of cheese, a cat dreaming of a dead bird and a pirate with an aluminum foil tooth dreaming of a dead fish.) Everyone dreams.
(Drawing of five symmetrical hearts joined by wavy lines.)

My mom is almost done my braids. She is getting pretty good at making little braids as she is doing, in my hair.

(Drawing of three orange hearts from size small to large. The Largest one says ‘Love’, the middle-sized one says ‘Like’, and the smallest one says ‘Sex’.

(Drawing of a blue and green heart forming a Ying-yang.) Cool!
(Drawing of a snowman I made.) My snow man.

My mom is almost done braiding my hair. She has like one or two braids left to braid. (Drawing of my moms hands braiding my hair while I am wearing an addidas brand /weater saying ‘43 braids’.)
30 pages already. I never wrote so much in one day. It’s because I wrote while my mom was braiding my hair. And now she is done.

It is 8:21 pm. I am fished studying and I have five minutes free.  Tomorrow spring break is over and I have to do my oral of the Spice Girls at school. (Drawing of me speaking in front of the class and an empty seat with my name on it.)


Today I am presenting my oral presentation. I am always shy in front of the class but some people look else where than towards the class. (Drawing of a student speaking ‘Hello’ towards the teacher, at a desk which reads ‘Diane’, instead of the students ahead.)

(Drawing of me speaking with my braids.) ‘Hello, I would like to talk to you about the Spice Girls…’ That was a bit from my oral presentation, a biography on the Spice Girls.

I have a book that’s called : “La guerre des tuques” (The war of tuques.) (Drawing of a boy throwing snowballs behind a snow castle and his dog passing by in front.)


St-Valentines (A heart)
Halloween (A pumpkin)
Christmas (A tree)
Birthday (A cake)

Ms Yak…’Play it!’ - ‘Loser!’ (Drawing of a recorder toy playing ‘You go girl!’.)

Me. (Drawing of me wearing sunglasses and a Nike shirt and Addidas pants and saying: I am cool, I am cool, I am cool!’ Ya man!

I really like my braids. I fell in love with them right away. (Drawing of me with my braids and a huge heart.)

Written in red. Recess is inside because it is raining outside. (Drawing of kids trying to playing outdoor activities inside while it is raining outside the window and I am writing in my journal.)

My brother bought plastic vomit. (Drawing of him holding it in his hands while saying: ‘I puked! I am sick!’) He really had me and my mom fooled today. He yelled it out and we ran down stairs! You just put in on the floor and add water. It looks so real! We were shocked and surprised. Then we all laughed!

Ballon poire’. (Drawing of two girls with long legs playing with a punching ball.)

(Drawing of two kids, one represents cool, wearing sports brands and the other, wearing glasses, represents un-cool.)

It’s lunch time, we are watching the Simpsons. It is funny. (Drawing of Bart Simpson.)

I lost the keys to my Spice Girls Diary! L (Drawing of the keys and Diary.) I can’t open it anymore!

Sandor broke, cut into pieces with a pair of scissors and then squished me playdoh figuring that I had made. (Drawing of my art work: before, a girl reads a book under a tree with a bird in it. And after it is nothing but pieces of mixed colored playdoh balls and pieces. I am very…mad!!!!

I would love to have a camera, and a machine to play my CDs: Spice Girls and Spice World. (Drawing of a camera and a CD player.)

I love my braids. (Drawing of me with my braids saying ‘yo (you) go girl!) J

It’s the afternoon and recess is inside again because it’s raining. (Drawing of the sticker ‘Born to Smile’ and me writing in my journal while it rains outside the window.)

(Drawing of Cixie.) Cute!

Philip sold me his Filas shoes for 2.50$ the shoe, a total of 500$ (5.00$) (Drawing of the Filas shoes.) Not much!

My mom is redo some of my braids. I am going to have 55 braids. Same as the year my mom was born. (Drawing of me in my night gown with my hair all over the place.)

It is 7:42. My (drawing of my mom) is doing my (drawing of my braids). (Drawing of me), I am writing (box with an arrow pointing inside) this (drawing of this journal.)
Bellow this I redrew the drawings and wrote which words they signified.

My character ‘Jack’. (Drawing of a man stepping on a rock and waving.)
Jack’s dog, Alex. (Drawing of Alex the dog.)
Cat belonging to Rose, Lovy. (Drawing of Lovy)
My character Rose. (Drawing of a woman with open arms.)

I did this hair style with my braids. (Drawing of me with my hair half tied.)

The two cats are talking (referring to a sticker of two cats). The first cat says to the second: – You must not look when we are playing hide and seek!  And the second cat responds: - But I did not know we were playing hide-and-seek, I thought we were going to play tag! And the first cat says: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! - Ok………..

Cow and Chicken is playing now. We are watching it together, Noel and I. Ha! Ha! Ha! (Drawing of a cow that looks like a pig and a chicken that looks like a duck.)

Duckman. (A good drawing of a naked duck wearing glasses.)


It is Tuesday morning. It is 8:06am. I am watching Gossbusters (‘Ghost Busters’)and its funny. (Drawing of a man on TV wearing a back pack and holding a gun that’s shooting ghosts to trap them for good.)

(Drawings of a beaver and a rabbit that looks similar in comparison.)

Hello! It is 8:58, almost 9:00am. Today is my oral, not yesterday. (drawing of a guy saying - Hello!) (Drawing of Emma, Baby Spice of the Spice Girls.)

It’s the before last page! I AM ALMOST DONE! (Drawing of a pencil next to my journal all big on one side.) (Drawing of a cat traced from the next page.) (Sticker of ‘Number one Patient’, from the dentist).

It’s 9:10 am. The last, last page! It’s time for the BIG secret. You want to know? Ok. It’s that I love Alan.

(Stickers of Cats and various other animals.)

End of Diary 1 entry.

Funny today is the 11th of March 2010.
Twelve years later.

Diary 2: Spice Girls hardcover Diary with lock
Entry date: 1998

(A paper has been stuck on the first page with tape. This paper holds the following random information…written in English!)

1. Lorelei is writing a storie (story) that is called “The case of the missing undies”, and it is very funny.
2. I am still at the Cabaret, and it’s 12:48.
3. I like Lorelei’s friend: Shauna. She is nice.
4. Alissa is sleeping, Melissa is gone and Joe is bord (bored).
5. I am writing this boring note

(Signed with signature drawings of Jack, Rose, Lovy and Lucky.)

(Stickers of the Spice Girls in the first pages.)

The following journal has been translated from its original French version.

Tuesday, March 10th 98

I am very happy with this nice little Spice Girls diary my nice, beautiful, pretty, etc, mom bought and gave me. I am also happy because I found the keys and I can write in this nice journal. Since I just started this journal I did not tell you that I had lost them yet.

Thursday, March 12th 98

Today I am very nervous. I am finally going to pass my oral, the biography on the Spice Girls. I am excited because I can’t wait till it’s over since I won’t have to worry anymore. There would be nothing to worry about. But I am nervous because I have not yet passed.

I am thinking of inviting Lucia over this weekend. Saturday she could come see my ballet.

Wednesday, April 1st 98

Not yesterday, but before yesterday, I found out that I won first place in the hole school in a drawing contest! It was on a police themed drawing. I drew a logo with a drawing that represents taxage in the background. A little like this: (Drawing of a sheet of paper with a “no harassment logo” on it. One stick man holds a knife to another who shields himself out of fear.) Mr. Ouellette even gave me a red ribbon with the number 1 on it. There were three prizes in the whole school. (Drawing of the red ribbon with a 1on it.)
My drawing was laminated and hung up at the Poste 4 police station. My principal, Mr. Ouellette, even entered my drawing in another contest in which I can maybe win money!
And as I am in fifth grade, class 501, my class got a free Pizza Hut lunch, but I do not know when. (drawing of a slice of all dressed pizza dripping with extra cheese.) Everyone was thanking me since it was all thanks to me. Alan even asked me to see my ribbon! (Drawing of four hearts.)

Today it is April fool’s day! I received 8 fish in my back. I like the one Nicole put on my back. It looks like this one. (Drawing of the fish glued on the opposite page, an orange fish with a smile and saying “Hahaha”.) But I do not like the one I received from Claude, the other 5th grade teacher. He stuck it on my head. It look like this. (Drawing of a spiky fish with a “loser” written on it.) I also did not like the two from Alexander and Kin. (Drawings of pieces of paper on which is written; “Bite me” and “Kick me”.)

Sunday, April 12th 1998

Yesterday, I bought myself the Hanson brothers CD. It’s called Middle of Nowhere. Here is part of the “MmmBop” song:

‘You have so many relationships in this life,
Only one or two will last.
You’re going trough all this pain and strife,
Then you turn your back
And they’re gone so fast,
And their gone so fast!
So hold on to the ones, who really care,
In the end they’ll be the only ones there.
When you get old and start loosing hair,
Can you tell me who will still care?
Can you tell me who will still care? Yeah,

MmmBop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop,
Ba duba dop ba du bop,
Ba duba dop ba duuu
MmmBop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop,
Ba duba dop ba du bop,
Ba duba dop ba duuu

Today it’s Easter! I had 56 eggs to find in my room. I only found 55! It’s weird. After we are going to Farmor’s house and we are going to Grand-papa’s house afterwards. I forgot to say that my mom bought me candies and plenty of scholates! She also gave me a ‘Power Pen TATTOOZ’ and an autograph book of the Spice Girls! Ok, so once we get to Grand-papa’s house, we are going to the Cabane a Sucres!

I ate well. We even went on a horse sleigh ride! (Ticket on the previous page which says: Pour TIRE seulement.) (Drawing of an Easter egg and signature drawings: alien head, heart, peace, ying-yang, star, flower, smiley face and a spiral.)

Wednesday, April 22nd 1998

Before yesterday night I lost a tooth and yesterday night too! That’s two nights in a row! (Drawing of a tooth and the tooth fairy.) And each time I loose a tooth, the tooth fairy gives me 2$. That makes 4$ in total. Now I look like this: (Drawing of me missing both upper canine teeth.) It’s strange how I could loose two teeth in a row!

Thursday, April 23rd 1998

Soon, on the 30th, Lorelei is moving to St-Lazard (St-Lazare). She is live in a bigger house. (Drawing of Lorelei and I hugging in front of her huge house and a crying sun in the sky, the sum behind a dried violet with two purple flowers taped to the center of the page.) Even if she is going to live in a new house, study at a new school and play with new friends, she and I will always be good, best, super friends. That’s why they call it Best Friends Forever (BFF).

Sunday, May 3rd 1998

On the first of May Cixie has very sadly DIED! (Drawing of her tomb stone “R.I.P. Cixie”). But, very happily, today I bought myself two new mice! A spotted brown and white male and a white albino female: (Drawing of a spotted male, named Kiwi and a white female named Cuty). They might have babies!

The following notes are written in my mother’s hand writing

Thursday, May 14th 1998

Today, Cuty had 4 baby mice but we forgot to take Kiwi out so she ate them!!!!
*To better know my mice:
-Small rodents that stay in their nest.
-Length: 6 to 10 cm and a tail of equal length.
-Female is in heat every 3 to 6 days.
-Mating last just a few seconds.
-The male’s tail is thicker and longer.
-The female’s tail is rounder.
-A minimum of 30 ° is needed for a mouse nest.
-The gestation period last 20 to 21 days.
-4 to 13 offspring can be born in one liter.
-Mice can have from 3 up to 15 liters.
-Put a sock for their nest, most of the time, at night (nocturnal).
-Do not make any noise when the female is giving birth.
-Babies are born in less than a half hour.
-The female rips the membranes that envelop each baby mouse (pinky), cuts the umbilical cord and licks each of her babies clean. Then they find their mother’s mammary glands.
-They primarily orient themselves by touching and smelling their environment thanks to their vibrissae (whiskers) and by hearing. They love music.
-At 4 days they start walking.
-At 2 weeks, they have fur and open their eyes.
-At 4 weeks, they leave the nest and can eat solid food.
-At 5 or 6 weeks, they are mature and fertile.

P.S: When the mice are in the cage, their liter must be changed every two days to avoid possible smell.

(A receipt is found folded, my purchase of one adult jumper mouse at 1.99$ from Nature Pet Center Pointe-Claire. Cashier: Christine Hagen. Amount due: 2.29$)

Wednesday, June 3rd 1998

(Smiley faces of all sizes appear around the page.)
Last night Cuty had five baby mice!
And this time we separated them. (Cuty and Kiwi)
We were very quiet and nothing happened!
This happened around 9:00-9:30 pm.
I was studying in my bed.
(Drawing of me studying in my bed.)

A note is present, one written from my mom saying:
‘Congratulations Corinne!
You are the proud owner of new baby mice born on June 2nd 1998.’

Sunday, June 7th 1998

Today, I had my ballet recital. The theme was the Wizard of Oz. I played the role of a munchkin and also a witch. My grand-father congratulated me by giving me a bouquet of flowers and also a card which had 20$. My Farmor also gave me 20$! My mom gave me a bucket of 36 chalks for the side walk, a ballet skirt, a bathing suit and a pin of a ballerina cow. That is all! (A lot if you ask me!)

Wednesday, June 10th 1998

Today my five little mice have colors! Since the 5th of June to be exact!
(Drawings of my mice and their new names, now that they can be differentiated: A black mouse was named Leo. A brown one was named Zac. Two spotted brown and white mice were Jewel and Spot. The black and white mouse was named Lucky.)
We don’t know if we are going to keep these names or change them as we do not yet know if they are male or female. They are too small to tell yet. (Heart, Smiley and Peace drawings are included at the bottom of the page.)

Sunday, May 10th 1998

Today it’s mother’s day. And I did not buy the slippers that she wanted! L (Drawing of the slippers) But I gave her a card. And she was happy! J

Tuesday, June 16th 1998

Today the baby mice have opened their eyes! First it was Zack, then Lucky, Leo, Spot and Jewel. Now they can see! Congrats Cuty! J Bravo! Youpi!

Friday, June 19th 1998

Today I played games with the baby mice. I even took notes on their behaviors:
  1. First to enter a tunnel: Jewel, Leo, Lucky, Zac, and then Spot.
  2. First to enter a long tunnel: Zac, Lucky, Jewel, Leo, and then Spot.
  3. First to enter the little box: Zac, Lucky, Leo, Jewel, and then Spot.

Saturday, June 20th 1998

Yesterday my mom gave me the Spice World movie of the Spice Girls. That night Lorelei came over for a sleep-over and the next day we went to La Ronde. We went on different and fun rides. I love Tornado, Bumerang, Cobra, Pirate and especially Monster!

Sunday, June 21st 1998

Today it is Father’s day. And even though I am not a father, my mom gave me candies, a skipping rope and the movie “Mouse Hunt”! I gave my daddy a card. (Drawing of a card with two flaps that resembles a shirt and tie when closed.)

Kiwi also celebrated today because he is a dad too. I made him little cards: one from me, one from Cuty and one from each of his babies! It’s super cute! (The cards have all been taped to the previous page). The babies are already starting to become independent!

Wednesday, June 24th 1998

Today is St-Jean Bastise (Batiste). Last night I slept over at Stephanie Walker’s. (The girl who moved into Lorelei’s old house). We played  Doctor and Vetenarian and then we went swimming in a small inflatable pool in her backyard. I even played ‘Vive le vent’ and ‘Titanic’ on the flute for her mom, her brother Christopher and her. (Drawing of us in the mini pool under the sun and the flute I used to play the songs).

Afterwards, I went to the games organized to celebrate St-Jean Bastise (Batiste) near the Pierrefonds arena. I got a lot of coupons that we needed to write our number on in order to get a chance to win in a contest. I saw Sara, Alan and Stephanie with her brother and parents! (A red J bracelet and a mini Quebec flag card are taped in these pages.)

Thursday, June 25th 1998

We are on summer vacation since June 23rd. I passed! J Nest year I will be in grade 6! My last year studying at St-Luc Elementary. Philip will be in high school, Noel in grade 3 and Thalie will be in her fourth year of high school at Ecole Secondaire Felix-Leclerc.

I am in the car, the van. We are going to Babaji’s chalet. It is 4:50. I am bringing Kiwi in the small cage and the five babies in the large cage with Cuty. Cute!!! J

Sunday, June 28th 1998

Yesterday was an exiting day for me at the chalet because I caught, for the first time, a little fish. The first one was with my dad’s help and then I caught another one, all by myself! (Drawing of a fish at the end of a fishing pole and a shocked face.) I was unable to take the hook out and the fish died of suffocation. It was obvious I did not know what I was doing but at least it was then recycled and used as bait to catch bigger fish.

Amélie also came to the chalet, but Babaji and Farmor did not come even if they were supposed to. Yesterday, when Amélie and I were looking for worms as bait for fishing, I found a little frog, smaller than 2 cm. We were able to keep it for a little while. (Drawing of a little frog.)

Today I also went fishing and caught two fishes. We all caught at least one fish each. But they were all too small to be eaten so they were thrown back in the lake. We also found a garter snake and a really big spider! (Drawings of a dead fish, a live fish, a snake and a spider.) I also learnt how to drive the pedal boat and I went all the way to the little island in the middle of Lac Archambault. I was driving the whole time! (Drawing of water lilies and Lilly pads.)

Tuesday, June 30th 1998

Since the 25th, we are at the chalet, but today we are going back; My mom, Noel, Thalie, Amélie and I. And then we are coming back in two nights. But sadly, Amélie is not coming back. We are leaving to go see the fireworks, parade, and fair for Canada day.

Yesterday, David, Madelaine, Micheal and Kaethine Perron came over for super and a swim, and at the same time, they came to pick up Philip so that he can go and stay at their chalet for two nights. Katherine fell in the water! (Drawing of her all wet and laughing.)

(Drawing of a pink flower drawn on the 28th with dots only, made by Amélie and taped in the next page.) Amélie is very nice. She draw with me and talks to me, not like Thalie’s other friends. Amélie draws very nicely too! (Drawing of a heart taped on the page.)

We are back home now and the first thing I did was go to the washroom. I had to go the whole time! Lorelei called me to say that there was two full hours of the Hanson on YTV from 7:00-9:00 pm! (Drawing of the Hanson brothers on television.)

When I saw the baby mice, they had grown so much! Almost as big as the parents? As they say in the mouse book, they are mature and can eat solid work at 4 weeks and today, the 30th, they are 4 weeks old exactly. They are now big enough to be differentiated between males and females. Here are the results (with drawing included):

Leo: Male, Lucky: Female, Jewel: Male, Zac: Female, and Spot: Female

These names are not so good and maybe they will be changed. But Zac, a girl?
Lucky, Spot and Zack were females and they all had babies, almost all at the same time. Zac died in an unfortunate accident and her babies were then taken care of by her sisters, who each took half of them, I was so sad…see Monday, August 24th 1998.

Wednesday, July 1st 1998

Today is Canada day! This morning at 10:00 am Noel and I went to participate in the Canada Day parade. We were on the Pierrefonds soccer float. Even if I am not playing soccer this summer, my brother lent me his uniform.

Lorelei was also invited to come with me to the fair. She got permission to ride on the soccer float with me! Then Lorelei came with us, my mom, Noel and me, to the fair. We went on Kamikazi, Tornado, Gravetron, Mary-go-round, Berry-go-round, Dragon Wagon, Crystale Palace, and Siddler. We also went on Raiders, Snow white, etc. Then we even played games. I tried two 0.25$ games with a claw and I lost. Then I tried three 0.50$ games and I got a teddy bear! The teddy was in the shape of a brown cow and I named it ‘Zac’, just like my brown mouse. Lorelei got a cat with the help of the lady, who pretty much made it possible for the toys to fall in the right hole, and she named it ‘Taylor’ (like one of the Hanson brothers). Noel got a Tuity (Tweety Bird) and named it ‘Pass’. J

Thursday, July 2nd 1998

Today we are going back to the chalet. We are 13 people, one dog and Kiwi. There is my mom, dad, Thalie, Philip, Noel, me, Babaji, Farmor, Uncle Robert, Marie-Lise, Joshua and his friend Simon, Philip’s friend Michel and the dog, Lady Jet.

Noel broke the rope of the pedal boat and I went to get it! I am he hero of the day! J
Michel offered us fireworksJ. He bought three, two different kinds. (Drawings of fireworks fill up the page.) I also went to swim in the lake at midnight. I was the first in the water! I dove in ten times with Noel. (The others did not want to go in.) (The next page has a drawing of me swimming in the lake under two palm trees and the stars with a crescent moon in the sky and the following is written above and below: Swimming at midnight…it a lot of fun!)

Friday, July 3rd 1998

Last night Micheal has, for the second time, slept-over at the chalet! We went for a swim again today. Later, after super, we are going to visit the country house that Michel and his family are renting. (Two sheets of paper are inserted between the pages. One has fruit like cherries, grapes, mango and banana drawn on it and the other has a heart and is written “I love you” twice on it.) We went swimming, we colored, we roasted some muchmelos (marshmallows) on the fire and then did the same with hot dogs! It was really good! (Drawing of both a marshmallow and a hot-dog roasting over the fire.) We were 8 people: Dave, Madelaine, Philip, me, Noel, Katherine and my dad.

Saturday, July 4th 1998

Today we are leaving from the chalet. When I got up Mario and his family were at the chalet. Mario came to fix the toilet. Lora and Sammy, his kids, love Kiwi! We left after super. Lorelei came to the party, at Linzie’s (Lindsey Knowlton) house, to celebrate their parent’s 25th wedding anniversary. My parents were also invited. Lorelei asked Linzie if I would be allowed to come over and she said yes! It was very fun. We played games, ate cake, etc…I had a lot of fun! I remember creating an awkward silent moment when I asked my dad if he was drunk when he was laughing really loud with his friends on the porch in the back yard. Afterwards, Lorelei and I played with Gullan (glowing) sticks that I got from the fair!

Sunday, July 5th 1998

Today we are going to La Ronde: my dad, Noel, Philip, Julien and I. I was able to go on cobra, it was terrific! We also went on Dragon, four times! It’s a spooky indoor rollercoaster! We also saw the fireworks of Brecile (Brazil). We also went on the same rides as the last time!

Monday, July 6th 1998

(A news paper clipping is cut out of an unknown local news paper. It’s a photo of the 16 and under girls’ water polo team from Briawood Pool in Pierrefonds, gold medal winners at the Quebec Games regional tournament. Of the many names listed I recognize two very well. Meghan Kuchinsky, who I teamed up with in Synchronized swimming for three years and volunteered with her mother Janet Kuchinsky, dressing dancers for the Becket Players show. Janet Kuchinsky was then later brutally murdered, sadly, and her body was discovered by a dear friend, Penny Lavoie, mother of Melissa Lavoie, who is found next to Meghan in this photograph. The Lavoie family are our neighbors on Aragon street and they have been even since I can remember.)

Me at Syncro! (Drawing of me in the water wearing a nose plug and bathing cap, looking like I am chasing someone in front of me…but it is part of the routine. “Spice up your life!” That year we swam to Spice Girls music.”)

Hey it’s the first Monday that I write in my diary! Tonight Stephanie Walker will have her first sleep-over and it will be at my house!

Today I started following the Syncronized swimming lessons and I am in the tem (team)!  The song for the routine is Spice up your life! J

Tuesday, July 7th 1998

Today, I have another Syncro tem (team) meeting. It’s been a while that I lost my Posh Spice ring. I went to ‘Cigares’ and I bought myself a Geri ring, four Spice cards (Spice World  official sticker book collection) and four packs of stickers!

Saturday, July 11th 1998

Yesterday I cut my hair of two inches! (Drawing of me with my hair cut above my shoulders.) Today we are going to the Fun Day, Easter in July, at Briawood pool. Lorelei is coming with us: Philip, Noel, Lorelei and me of course! Lorelei also cut her hair! (Drawing of Lorelei and I playing hand games and Noel and Philip very excited.)

Today at the Fun Day, Easter in July at Briawood Pool, we did six different games:
  1. Painted Easter eggs
  2. Water race
  3. Three-legged race with two people
  4. Find candies in the water
  5. Through each other eggs and trying to catch them
  6. Find the egg with your number, no.41
We ate Hotdogs, Sunny D, Cake, and then went swimming.
Monday, July 20th 1998

Yesterday we wanted to go to La Ronde, just my dad, Noel, Philip and I but there was no more parking spaces! Today we got hotdogs in A MA BAIE, they were very good! J And the price was whatever you choose to pay, as the funds raised went to the poor. (A tattoo of CFCF 12 Montreal’s 1 2 watch is printed on the page and another is still usable, stuck between the pages.

Thursdays, July 23rd 1998

Today at 7pm, I went to the pree-teen dance with Philip. The theme was Disney. I was dressed like this: (Drawing of me dressed in my red dress with a white and red striped sweater and a Mickey Mouse Disney World hat on.) (A Mickey Mouse picture: the CD Rom game called “One Colorful Picnic” is taped on the same page.)

(Three stickers of the Spice Girls are glued on these pages. There is Scary, Baby and Posh Spice.) I really like the Spice Girls. And now today makes three days in a row that I receive Spice Stickers to go in my book of the movie Spice World. “Girl Power!”

Sunday, July 26th 1998\

Today my family and I have gone to Grand-Papa’s house. We went swimming, Noel, Philip and I, at the pool in ‘Durantay Park’. It was super fun! And Uncle Robert was watching over a dog for a friend. (Drawing of what looks like a poodle.) I also met Marie-Helene’s sister, Janne.

Tuesday, July 28th 1998

Today I did the synchronized swimming show/competition. We came in second place! (Drawing of a ribbon that shows 2/7.) There were four songs of the Spice Girls. The first song was “Spice up your life”, then it was “Stop”, “Too Much”, an finally, “How (Who) do you think you are?”. There was another team that had our same bathing suit! (Drawing of the yellow and black bathing suit we were all wearing. We originally chose another bathing suit but it was no longer available so we receive these ones, which I hated the colors and the sizes were all too large and had to be trimmed.) The same thing happened the next year, when we swam to Cheer’s “Do you believe in Love after love?” wearing water printed bathing suits. Another team choose the same ones…

Friday, July 31st 1998

Houra! Youpi! Cuty got 5 more babies! Lorelei was here for a sleep-over when it happened! I took Cuty in my hands and a little baby was already coming out!!! Jewel made Zac and Spot pregnant! So far we are at 12 mice in total!

Wednesday, August 5th 1998

Today Zac had babies! She had 10 but she ate one! (Drawing of Zac with 9 live babies and one dead one.) Once again I was holding Zac in my hands when a baby was coming out! (Drawing of the baby mouse being born in my hand with the umbilical cord still attached to the mother, Zac.) Now we have 21 mice in total! (Drawing of all 21 mice.)

Thursday, August 6th 1998

Today I went to the third pree-teen dance. The theme was Halloween. I was dressed as Baby Spice, Emma. My mom bought me a huge Lully pop. This is what I looked like.(Drawing of me wearing a short black dress with platform black running shoes, wearing pig tails in my hair, a baby necklace and holding a Lully pop and teddy bear bag. A sticker of Emma Bunton from Spice World is next to the drawing.)

Melissa and her four friends were dressed as the Spice Girls! Melissa was Sporty, Sarah was Ginger, Shana was Baby, Jennifer was Posh and Tracy was Scary.

Saturday, August 8th 1998

Today Spot finally had her babies. This morning there was a hole in Spot’s cage and she was gone! We looked and looked everywhere and finally, after an hour and a half of searching, we found her in Noel’s room under his bed. Right after we put her back in her cage and closed the hole, she had her babies. P.S. There was 10 babies! (Drawing of the cage with a chewed up hole in the plastic lid and Spot alone, very pregnant.)

Sunday, August 9th 1998

(A letter is inserted in the next page written in my mom’s hand writing. This letter says: Hello Corinne! Spot, the mischievous one, was trying to bite through her cage again so I let her out on the desk and when I came back, five minutes later, she was gone! So I looked everywhere and I finally found her in a corner. I did not know what to do with her…I could not bring her to work with me so I put her in the big cage. That little rascal! I hope all will be well.)

Today my dad, Noel and I went for the second time to La Ronde and the beach. Philip did not come because he was invited to sleep-over at Michel’s house. (Drawing of a roller-coaster fills in the page.)

Monday, August 10th 1998

Today, one day before my Syncro show, I lost my nose plug! My mom brought me to buy a new one. She told me it was because I found a hat and brought it home that I lost my nose plug. (Drawing of the hat I found and my lost nose plug.) It’s like ‘I find something, I loose something.’

I had found the hat at Briawood pool when I went to synchro lessons, after buying my new nose plug.Then went I came back I found my nose plug again! (Drawing of the hat I found and my newly found nose plug.)

Today I brought Leo, Kiwi and Jewel to the pet store! (The three males so that there will be no more babies!) And now we have 28 mice after the three males left. (Drawing of me crying till my tears went up to my knee level.) But at least Leo, Kiwi and Jewel can play with the 70 other mice! (drawing of the cage at Nature Pet center with my mice inside.)

Tuesday, August 11th 1998

Today I participated in the final synchronized swimming show. We came in 9th place on 21 teams! We were able to swim before the storm started; thunder and lightening filled the skies over an overflowing pool of water. I saw Melissa Dire! Her and her team came in 11th place. It’s not that bad. I also saw Crystal, she was there to see her friend.

Wednesday, August 12th 1998

Today I bought myself two CDs. “Girl Power” and “All Saints”. (Drawings of the two CDs.) My mom gave me the no.15 book of Sailor Moon. Now I have 1 trough 16. (Drawing of the books, all in order, sitting on my bookshelf.)

Thursday, August 13th 1998

Mmmmmm!!!!!! It’s super cute!!!!!!!! Two of Cuty’s babies opened their eyes! It’s super Cuty! It’s two black mice. Imagine living two weeks without sight, with both eyes closed! We would not be able to even brush our hair! (Drawing of someone with messy hair bumping into a wall and thinking ‘ouch!’)

Friday, August 14th 1998

Today is the 16th wedding anniversary of my parents! (Drawing of a no. 16 balloon.) I made them a card and a small craft I made using rocks! (Drawings of the card and the rock craft I made, a man wearing sunglasses and fishing off a dock.) It’s dad fishing! My parents liked it very much! (Drawing of my parents both smiling on their wedding day.)

Saturday, August 15th 1998

Today I decided to miss my class, not of the synchro team but the synchro lessons. The reason for this is because I wanted to go to the “neighbors party” at Lorelei’s house more.
(Drawing of me in front of Lorelei’s huge house.)

It was super! We (dad, Philip, me, Noel, Lorelei and Wesley) all went swimming in her little pool! (Drawing of us all in her pool, filling it up entirely.) Mom did not want to swim and Thalie did not come. We (Lorelei, me and Noel) played with her dog, Alfie. We (Lorelei and I) played Hanson on the internet. We (everyone that was there) ate chips, raisins, cheese, drank coke (beers for the parents) and raw vegetables and dip. We also ate, for super, hot dogs and hamburgers.

Then, after the party, (drawing of balloons) Lorelei came with us, to our home, for a sleep-over! And Philip slept over there with Wesley. (Lucky him!)

Lorelei liked my mice. She brought her CD player so that we could lisend to music together. We (Lorelei and I), ended up going to bed at 3:00am! (Drawing of Lorelei and I under the covers, me holding my teddy bear, while listening to music.)

Sunday, August 16th 1998

(In this page a piece of paper was inserted. Lorelei had started drawing Kenny from South Park but only finished the head. On the other side, in my mom’s hand writing, are notes and dates concerning my mice that are written as such:

Cuty and Kiwi arrived 03/05/98
Lucky and Spot (and Zac) born on June 2nd 1998
5 more babies were born on July 31st 1998

Zac had 9 babies born on August 5th 1998
Spot had 10-2=8 babies born on August 8th 1998
Lucky had 10-2=8 babies on August 16th 1998)

Yahoo! Youpi! Super! J J Lucky finally had her babies! She had a liter of 10 but 2 were bon dead (Still born)! Now we have 36 mice! It’s a bit much, no? (Drawings of Cuty, Zac, Spot and Lucky with all of their babies!!!)

Monday, August 17th 1998

Today I wanted to buy high heel shoes for school. My mom brought me to WAL-MART. The problem was that the shoes I wanted had a zipper but that pair was not so comfortable. I then found a pair that was nicer and even more comfortable! (Drawing of that pair of shoes.) Now the problem was that they were too expensive! (Drawing of the two pairs of shoes, the less comfortable ones with a zipper for 20$ and the more comfortable shoes, tied with laces, for 27$.)

So we decided to check out Zellers to see if I could find a pair of high heel shoes cheaper. I found cheaper shoes but they were too small. I did not go for nothing, as I bought a little bird with a stand, the kind that can balance on the tip of your finger and even make full circles when on its stand. (Drawing of that bird with a stand.) Finally, we ended up going back to WAL-MART so that I could get the original pair I found comfortable. When I was standing at the cash, ready to pay, I found a 20$ bill on the floor! (Drawing of that 20$ bill I found, lucky me!) I was looking at it for a while until I told my mom and she discreetly picked it up off the floor. I remember thinking it was stealing because we were next to the cash but obviously someone must have dropped it on the floor. Funny enough, years later in 2009, I complained WAL-MART stole 20$ from me as I requested an extra 20$ from my debit card when paying for half the price of a microwave with my new room mate Stephanie at the self-serve cash and did not get it…even forgot it!) So finally my shoes coasted me 2$. J WOW!

Stephanie invited me over for a sleep-over. It will be my second time, sleeping-over at her house. I can’t wait!

It was fun! J We played school, teddy bears and babies (we acted out two young girls that were abandoned and then we were taken care of by people who adopted us!) I forgot to bring my hair brush (drawing of my hair brush) so I had to use a hair brush for Barbie! (drawing of a mini hair brush) L

Tuesday, August 18th 1998

I ate Winatbix for breakfast and Pizza Hut for lunch. MMMMmmmm….Pizza! J We played monopoly when Noel came to tell me that it was time for me to go to the store Pitt, near Farmor’s house to buy myself shoes. My dad got me Air shoes, wannabes by Nike. (Drawing of the monopoly money, then the Air shoes and the new pair on my feet.)

Wednesday, August 19th 1998

Today my dad bought me snap pants, they were only 10$! Thalie also gave me a shirt to go with them! (Drawing of me wearing sunglasses, an addidas t-shirt, my new snap pants and my AIR shoes while holding a drink and singing : “Today, I decided to speak happiness, I am cool, I am cool, I am cool! …”) J

Today after I got my new snap pants, I went over to Lucia’s house. She had invited me over yesterday but I wanted to go buy my new shoes, so I went over today instead. She wants me to bring over my bathing suit, my towel, money (5$) and my roller blades. (Drawing of my bathing suit, towel, money and roller blades.)

We went roller skating all the way to the pool! (Drawing of me and Lucia roller skating to the pool and then later, Magi and I swimming in the pool with Lucia diving in wearing her Nike bathing suit and a picnic table in the background.)

Here is a little poem that rhymes with crimes! (French expression and poem rhymes.)
(Drawing of a cat smiling with a tear in it’s eye and a bleeding front paw, next to a mad potato on the road.)

There once was a cat,
That was hurt on one leg,
Because he lost the fight,
Against a potato.

Original version:
Il avait un chat,
Qui avait mal à la patte,
Parce qu’il avait perdu un combat,
Contre une patate!

After the pool at Lucia’s, I came back home and had dinner. My family, Dom and Ingrid and I (minus Thalie) went to the movie outside in the park near Dom’s house. The movie was called ‘My Giant’. It was funny! (Drawing of a scene from the movie, a small man holding hands with a tall giant, projected on to the side of a big white truck, parked in the park and many spectators watching.)

Thursday, August 20th 1998

Today I went to the Team Banquet at La Residence. It’s for the Synchro team of Briarwood, but not just the Synchro team, any other team as well. For example: Swim team, Dive team, Competition team, etc…Team J J L J It cost 8$ for coke, salad, pizza, spaghetti and ice cream for dessert.

I sat next to Evana. We spoke together, Evana and I. (Drawing of Evana and I sitting at a table together.) All the members of my Synchronized swimming team were there! I received a medal just like everyone else. And I even got a special trophy for all my hard work and efforts during the summer. Only two out of 9 team members received one! (Drawings of my gold medal and the special trophy with my name on it: Corinne Waheed.)

Saturday, August 22nd 1998

Today is the ‘Fun Day’ at Briarwood pool and everyone wanted the two synchro teams to do their routines. We did it! And afterwards, Diana, the synchro lesson teacher, had asked me to do their routine with them too, after I did my sychro team routine. I said yes! I had not even practiced it in a while because I was told I could not be doing both the lessons and the team at the same time but one girl was missing so I helped out. It was pretty bad! (Drawing of all the girls doing a different move, not very synchronized!)

In two days, it’s Grand-papa’s birthday. We will be celebrating it at his house today. I have a card and a gift for him. (Drawing of his card saying ‘Happy 81st Birthday’ in French.) J (Drawing of a gift and 15 balloons.) J Here is a list of everyone that was there: Grand-papa, my family, me, Uncle-Robert, Marie-Lise, Tante-Lise, Sat, Julie, Gabrielle, Marie-Lise’s sister and her boyfriend…etc. Oh yes and I cannot forget Lady Jet! (Drawing of my hand throwing Lady a ball. She is all black, very athletic, with Dalmatian looking paws and belly (white with spots).)

Sunday, August 23rd 1998

We went for the last time this season to La Ronde! We went on Monster six times! We were lucky as we took advantage of no line-ups! (Drawing of my dad, Philip, Noel and I on the Monster, going really fast! There was also a man doing a world record of roller coaster rides on the monster. He only got off to eat and to go to the washroom!)

Monday, August L (24th) 1998

Today Zac died by an unfortunate accident in her ball! L L L I let her out for exercise on my desk, next to her cage. Zac wanted to go inside the ball and the lid was open. She went inside and the ball fell on the floorand Zac went flying into my Panda slipper! Or she went there and died. (Drawings of Zac, the her in the ball, her afterwards falling off the desk and then her tombstone ‘R.I.P. Zac’.)

At first, I was sure she was sleeping, but no she was really dead! After looking all over for her in her cage or on my desk, I saw her in the slipper, I thought she was so cute!
She had 9 babies in her cage, still alive and very cute. I did not know what to do. We called the Pet Store and they said that we could put Zac’s babies in the other cages with her sisters Spot and Lucky and their babies, and we could switch their mothers! (Drawing of Zac in the slipper, her 9 babies waiting for food and then a telephone.)

After Zac’s death, Lorelei called me to invite me over her house for a sleep-over that same night. I was very happy. I really liked it! We went swimming, listend to music, dressed up as the Spice Girls and her mother took pictures, played with her dog Alfie, ate Spice Girl chocolate bars and then finally went to sleep in her pool house! (Drawings of the many photos we took together in pairs, while making up new Spice Girls: Plad, Hippie, Granny, Swimmer, Ice Skating, Nerdy, Jeans and Man Spice!)

In the pool house, there was a phone (not a working one) and we used it to speak to many of our friends! (Drawing of me and Lorelei on bunk beds, me on top and her in the bottom bunk. I have the phone up to my ear and my teddy bear Toutou in my bed next to me.) We were talking and all and around 1:00 am Lorelei herd her dad’s car pull up in front of the driveway and she got up and ran towards him! (Drawing of the door, etc.)

Wednesday, August 26th 1998

Yesterday when my mom called me Lorelei answered, and she asked Lorelei if she wanted to come sleep over at our house without even asking me if I wanted to! L Lorelei was leaping of joy J and I felt like crying! L (Drawing of Lorelei jumping in the air while holding her pants and me, lying on her bed with a sad or confused face, wondering why my mom asked her before me!)

The rest of the day was so much fun, but Zac was dead and my dad wanted to burry her and Lorelei wanted to hold the box, she wanted this and that…it started a big fight, she even called her mom to come pick her up! L But her mom said no, only because it was too far! I ended up apologizing for my selfish behavior and she said sorry too. We had a great night after all! We can’t stay mad at each other long, as we only get into stupid arguments anyway! (Drawing of me and Lorelei holding hands, wearing BFF (Best Friends Forever) shirts and then us laughing and smiling under the covers.)

Thursday, August 27th 1998

Today is the first day of school! I am going into the 6th grade! And next year I will be in high school!  Noel is in the 3rd grade, Philip is in high school and Thalie is in Sec. 4. We all passed! And this year, it will be different to find our class: we have to go in our old class and our old teacher will give us a little sticker that corresponds to one of the two 6th grade class doors. (Drawings of a flower on one door and a butterfly on the next.)

I was not given Myriam’s sticker, I got Joanne’s. She is very nice, she likes toutous just like me and she makes us laugh! (Drawings of her teddy bears, and her, wearing a dress and a high pony tail in her hair, next to her desk with more little teddy bears on it, and finally a teddy bear on the paper towel dispenser.)

Friday, August 28th 1998

Today is the second day of school. We are going to play games outside. My mom was a volunteer. Here are the six games we played: (Drawings of 1. Throwing a ball in a large bucket, 2. Tug-o-war, 3. Throwing a ball between someone’s legs, 4. Jumping race in a pillow case (sac-à-patates), 5. Thoughing pouches in a sand-bag target board, and 6. Closing your eyes and trying to poor a glass of water in the large bottle, I think…)

Saturday, August 29th 1998

We have many things to do today:
-Return some mice (because we have too many now!)
-Go to Baskin Robbins (For a free ice cream cone ‘B-day special’.)
-See the horses (Sticker of the RCMP “Say NEIGH to Drugs”)
-See the arrival of Chery (Sherrina Butt, aka Sherry Hog-a-lot.)

Later today:
-Stephanie got two mice to keep and we returned one. (Drawing of the mice in cages.)
-We got our free ice cream cone of last year’s free b-day cone tickets for B.R.
-We saw the horses of the RCMP at the Arena in Pierrefonds.
-We saw the arrival of Chery that is coming from Pakistan to study (Live at Farmor and Babaji’s house while going to school here. She is 18 years old.)

Sunday, August 30th 1998

The last page! When I woke up, my mom told us that they were giving out free hot-dogs at IGA. With: coke, balloons, face-painting, corn, 7-up, etc…We went, of course! J

Melissa Lavoie won the gold medal for Water polo!

I bought myself the Spice Girls calendar! (Drawing of the calendar and Spice Girls stickers and tattoos  in the last pages of the Journal.)

It’s the End!


End of Diary 2 entry.

Diary 3: Purple with white spots and a Himalayan cat on the cover
Entry date: September 1998 to December 1999

The following journal has been translated from its original French version.


Tracy, the manager of Briarwood invited  the two synchronize swimming teams over to her house for dinner. I am bringing vegetables and dip. This dinner was really super good!


Grand-papa, aunt Lise, Uncle Robert, Marie-Lise, and Lady Jet are coming over today, I can’t wait! Mmmm…I am looking at the mice, they are so very cute! And the brown one, she reminds me of Zac (who died). (Drawing of Lady Jet and baby Zac, then a L next to Zac’s grave).


Today is Monday and we don’t have school. My dad, Noël and I are going to Richard’s, who lives at his chalet. Now I am in the car, the van. I can’t wait to arrive! (Drawing of us all in Richard’s boat he uses to cross the lake over to his chalet.)


Today we returned all the baby mice. I kept one, but I would like to have a brown one, like Zac. So I asked to Pet Store to have a brown one in return but they did not have one so I took a gray one.


Today is Thalie’s birthday and it’s a Tuesday, so she will have a party this weekend with four friends for a sleep-over. Today we will have a cake. Its coffee flavored. Mmmmm…


And now it’s Philip’s birthday and it’s a Wednesday so we will celebrate his birthday next weekend with all his friends! A party with both girls and boys! He was even nice enough to let me go downstairs to the party!


Monday, September 21, it was Sherry’s birthday (who came from Pakistan). She came over for a turkey dinner with Farmor and Babaji. It was really good. Mmmmm… My mom even got her a nice gift! It was a book.


The yo-yo is a very popular toy. My mom gave me a yo-yo ball in the shape of a cat! Noel got one in the shape of a bear. (Drawing of both yo-yos, the cat named Timi and the Bear named Toutou).


Johanne (my teacher) told us “If you do all your homework well, then you can participate in a contest and the prize is to go to McDonald’s with me”. And guess what, the person who won, the girl, well she was me!


Today is Mémé’s birthday! Happy birthday to Mémé, happy birthday to Mémé, Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday Mémé! From Corinne xxx Hip! Pip! Houra! J

This evening my mom is leaving for the weekend to a chalet with Madeleine, Loraine, Anna and Trish. Before leaving she gave us a few little surprises: Astros, Jujubes, a real yo-yo and no.18 of Sailor moon books.

Today after school, Tariq, my Australian uncle is coming for a month. I have never seen him before in my life! (…) Wow! He is super nice! Funny too, he gave me a small little pink bag: Lush, with a red robot on it. It’s an Australian company.


I had ballet today and it is also my friend Lorelei’s birthday. She did not invite me over. She only invited four of her friends since they live in St-Lazard. I don’t like this, she should have invited me. We are BFF (Best Friends Forever)!!! J


I am so happy! My family and I will be going over to Farmor’s house and that’s not all, my cousins Shaheen and Jesse will be there with Tariq and all! Shaheen is 21 years old and Jesse is 16 years old. I can’t wait! They might also have an accent like Tariq! Wow!


As you already know, I won the McDonald contest and I went today! She [the teacher, Johanne] got me a burger, fries, a Coke and even a Mcfleuri for dessert! I was really full! Hahaha!

I went shopping with my mom to the Metro grocery store and Mourelatos. Near the Mourelatous there was a small dollar store where I got two nail polishes. One is green and the other blue.


Ahhhh! I can’t wait I can’t wait! I can’t wait! I am going to get me ears pierced! (…) Wow! They are pierced now! And it didn’t even hurt at all! Wow! J


Grand-papa is moving and he’s inviting us over to see his nice house one last time since he will soon moved to an apartment near Farmor’s (Les Deux Aires). We are also going to the Chinese buffet, Grand-papa’s treat.


Its thanksgiving and Farmor invited us for dinner with Tariq, Shaheen and Jesse. Farmor got us a nice big turkey. I can’t wait to see my cousins again and my uncle Tariq too. Happy Thanksgiving! (Drawing of the turkey dinner).


Today I had to recite a fable in front of my class. The fable was called “The crow and the fox”, by Lafontaine. I also can’t wait till tomorrow, since it’s my birthday (October 15th)! I will finally be eleven! I can’t wait!! J


It’s my birthday!!!! JJJ Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday dear Corinne, Happy Birthday to me! Youpi! Hip,hip! Hurray! J

I got many nice b-day gifts! Thalie gave a teddy bear soap bar, Philip got me a Panda-Byte (drawing of a nano looking type of device), Noel gave me 5$ and a fragile baby bear decoration. Lucia gave me a heart shaped ying-yang ring (drawing of that ring). My dad got me a “ballon-poire” (punching bag) and my mom got my ears pierced, she gave me two dresses, a camera, a Spice Girls t-shirt, two nail polishes, a hair clip, a small teddy bear, a small yo-yo, candy, a Velcro bracelet for my watch, mouse shaped balloons, and the movie “Paulie” about a talking bird ! Tariq gave me earrings, Shaheen gave me a really nice card with 20$, and Jesse gave me Spice candy and a kind of teddy-bear which looks like a ferret chasing a ball when placed in a box or cage. (Drawing of the fluffy toy flipping around its ball attached to its nose placed inside a cage). I really loved my birthday, and when I go to school in the sixth grade, I can wear one of my long dresses that my mom gave me.


After my ballet, Lorelei is coming over to celebrate my birthday. We are going to see a movie and then she is staying over for a sleep-over, I can’t wait! We are also going to take our photo in the Famous Players photo booth! (Drawing of a balloon). (…)

We saw the movie “A night at the Roxbury” and it was really funny! The photos we took too! Lorelei gave me the third CD of the Hanson brothers three car garage and four tickets to see a free movie at Cineplex Odeon! J (Drawing of the photo booth pictures, pop-corn and a drink).

After the movie we rented the Hanson movie and when we got home, we watched “Paulie”. I drew Kenny from South Park on my cake, then we ate it! Mmm Kenny!
(Drawing of Paulie the bird (Amazon perrot) with a suitcase and the TV with remote).


For breakfast we ate Strudelles and for lunch we had pizza pochets. We watched the Hanson moive that we rented yesterday which I have for six days and we only paid 1,99$!


It’s the day before Halloween. This after-noon we are having parties with costumes at school. I am going to be a witch! With a long dress, a nice hat, etc. Then after school I am doing to Taline’s house.


It’s Halloween and Jesse, Tariq, Shaheen and Sherrry are coming with us too to go out trick-or-treating and collect all kinds of yummy candies! Mmmm! J (Drawing of candy)


Farmor is inviting us over to her house for supper and to say bye to Jesse and Shaheen that are leaving back to Australia today! I am really going to miss them! They are leaving for life but they might come back!


Today Tariq is leaving to Australia, two days after Jesse and Shaheen left. Tariq gave me Spice girl tattoos from Toys’R us. We ate dinner at Farmor’s house. I miss him already! L J “Bye!”


I can now take off my earrings and even change them! (Drawing of me wearing cross earrings and many other pairs to choose from like teddy bears, flowers, butterflies, cherries, loops, etc.)


Noel and I are going to see the movie “Babe” and we already went to see the movie “The Rugrats”. They are both really funny and we went to see them alone without any parents.
(Drawing of the two of us at the movies).


Today is the first of December. Christmas is in 25 days. I receive three pictures that were taken for free at Jean Coutu on November 22nd!


Lorelei came over today to take one of my mine and bring it to school! She choose Zacorinne. Later I got a Rugrats watch from Provigo. It says the time and even the North, Est, South, West!


It finally snowed a little today. I was so happy so I ran from the street to the parking lot next to my house. But there was ice on the ground. I did not see the ice and I slipped very fast and hit the ground on my face. Now I have a big bump on my eye! (Drawing of me with a big bump about my right eye and tears in my eyes).


My Rugrats watch broke today. L Candice broke it. I think she dropped it. Luckily Provigo gave me a new one! Youpi! J


It’s Noel’s birthday. He is 9 years old. It’s Sunday today but Albert could not come over so his party will be next week on the 19th. Today we are going to see “a Bug’s Life” just Noel and I.


Today Noel had invited two of his friends to celebrate his birthday. He is going to Coconuts. I am going shopping with my dad…I got myself Spice Girl shoes! (Drawing of two black plate form shoes).


It’s Christmas. Under the tree this morning six gifts were there with my name on them. I got a camera, a cat slinky, bel bottoms, bear shaped slippers, a x-mas teddy bear, the CD of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Stan, Kenny and Kyle for my South Park collection and in my stocking I got playing cards, candy, a yo-yo and a streamer “25 days of Christmas”. Who gave me what? I got many nice gifts! My grand-father gave me 2 CDs “Will Smith” and “Big Shiny Tunes 3”. Farmor gave me a CD player. My aunt Lise gave me 25$. Thalie gave me hair clips and a small blue top. Philip gave me a Nike mini top. Noel gave me a Rudolf the red nose reindeer teddy and free pizza. Lorelei gave me a nice South Park necklass. My teacher Johanne gave me a Santa bear to put in the Christmas tree…Wow! I got a lot of stuff! I was spoiled. We even got the movie Pocahontas 2. I watched it while eating snowman cookies that we decorated ourselves! After for lunch I made good sandwiches with peanut butter because we are Friday. And the whole family were invited to go to grandfathers house and then after to Farmor's house for supper. Philip is also disguised as Santa to give out all the great big gifts. I help Santa to get dressed. (Drawing of me helping Santa get dressed.) People present at Farmor's house include Farmor, Babaji, Sherry, grandfather, and aunt Lise, Sat, Gabrielle, Julie, mom, dad, Thalie, Philip [Zelda], Noel and me.

Today is Boxing Day. And I'm going shopping with $25 that I got from aunt leaves I am going with my dad Philip and Noel I'm dinner by a slide a sweater bell bottoms of South Park shirt and a South Park pencil case. (Drawing of all of the above).


For dinner mom invited Sherry, Babaji, and Farmor. We are going to eat roast beef! With fruit salad, ice cream, cake, and cookies for dessert.


For dinner mom invited grandfather and aunt Lise. We will eat curry with rice! With cookies and Nanaimo bars for dessert.


We went to Farmor and Babaji house to wish them a happy new year 1999. It was Noel Philip and me. My mom got us a bubbly and chocolates. I took pictures with my new camera. And I made confetti to throw I also had a confetti can too. Farmor ordered us pizza from Donna pizza and even doughnuts to it is 12h58 it is time 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two... One, zero! Happy new year!


Today it's the day after New Year's Day and grandfather has invited us to his house (Les Deux Aires) for dinner. We are going to the restaurant in his building. I ate turkey… Cake etc.


Yesterday was Farmor's birthday and today she has invited us to have supper at the say cave-in. It's very good I also have my camera to take pictures of the whole family and Farmor! Happy birthday!!!


After school my dad brought me shopping with Philip who lives by himself is the Nintendo 64 game of South Park! I bought myself two CDs the third CD of the Spice Girls it's called goodbye and much dance 1999.


No school today! It's Friday and that the snow day there is snow everywhere in the streets we have to shovel a lot X mission point the schools are all closed. I think that there's a storm, an ice storm?!!! (Drawing of me shoveling next to a snowman).


School almost had to close the streets are full of ice and there has been many accidents! The hill on Frank Mir is very dangerous! (Drawing of cars slipping down a hill). We have to pass by there to get home and to go to school fortunately we can also pass by Kingston we weren't the only ones late today that's for sure! (Drawing us me and another girl sitting in an empty class with the clock on the wall behind us). Even our teacher Joanne was late!


I don't know to do! When I liked Alan I told him and he told me “Fuck off, I hate you!”And we never spoke again. Now I like Michael and I want to give him a Valentine on the 14th but he might just act like Alan and will never speak to each other again! Now he doesn't hate me but I don't know if he likes me or if were just friends… Dad know well and I all went for a walk in the park where we did cross-country skiing. Noel broke his small skis going down the hill. I did a good job!


Today it's the winter festival at the Centennial Park it's kind of like the sugaring off. There is games and everything! My dad and I we went to do cross-country skiing and I went sliding with Philip and Noel.


Today I bought myself a Furby! It is gray with a white stomach. He speaks Furby language and a bit of English. (Drawing of my Furby next to a price of 45.99$). He was born at 3h45 pm and his name is Coco. He is cute!


Today I went to McDonald's with my teacher Joanne, Maria, Maxim, and Xiao. I had one for the second time to go to McDonald's! I am so lucky!


St. Valentine's Day is in two days but it St. Valentine's Day today at school because it's Friday and it's the last day of school this week. We exchange valentines. I got seven. And so as you know already I like Michael and I gave him a love letter but he doesn't like me the stupid guy likes Camille, the fattest girl in the class! But it doesn't bother me, he is back too! Here is the paper! (The actual love letter is glued inside this journal. It was written dear Mike, and the rest of the letter was written without clear marker that would only be seen when using another marker to color over it making the words visible. Therefore this letter would only have been seen by Mike when he would be ready. Unfortunately I can no longer see that message. But what I can read, is his reply at the top of the page. It says “Sorry at all like yeah I like someone else”).


Happy birthday I mean happy birthday, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday to daddy! Hip hip hooray! For he's a Jolly good fellow, for he's a Jolly good fellow, for he's a Jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny! Yes I forgot to write that it's my dad's birthday on February 11, he turned 47! It wasn't very nice of me to have forgotten like that it's his birthday we ain't dead cake chocolate flavored but that did Oreo cake that my mom made was even better! And I made my data card.


Today I brought my Furby coco to ballet where everyone liked him and everyone wanted one! Then we went to grandfather’ s house.


Today is St. Valentine's Day and grandfather has invited the whole family to have dinner at a restaurant called Le Bordelais.. It's where I got a nice bake red balloon in the shape of a heart but unfortunately I dropped it right before getting into my house and it disappeared rising up to the sky between my mother and I!


Yesterday my balloon flew up into the sky to say hi to aunts Madelaine who died yesterday! Here is an English song that I wrote; it's called hello! “Oh why that day,  that day,  he had to, to go, oh why that day! De had to go, go say hello! (Drawing of a tombstone that says rest in peace aunt Madelaine and my red heart-shaped balloon floating up into the sky towards heaven). That was the bad news, here's the good news! Happy birthday mom happy bird day to mom happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to mom! Nice mother, it is your turn, to let you speak of love, nice mother, it is determined, to let you speak about love!  Hip hip hooray! We bought a balloon in the shape of the sun! (Drawing of that balloon).


Lorelei invited me over for a sleepover! We played hide and go seek, Ouija, and I brought my Furby Coco! We played all day long! Then we ate chicken for supper and we went to bed.


When we woke up we ate eggs, potatoes, bacon, and toast for breakfast. Afterwards we went to Cabaret. My ears were hurting! We played with Joe and Alyssa with trolls. At 5 PM her dad drove me home.


A sadness fills our lives today the little sick young cookie walk he'd died around noon today...I love you cookie!(Drawing of a tombstone written rest in peace cookie, drawing of a heart and me crying a river).


I saw baseketball and it is my favorite movie of all time! I love Trey Parker!(Drawing of the movie baseketball).


I had lunch at will with Taline today. I ate a piece of pizza, juice and a piece of cake; it costs $1.90 total. Taline was so nice she paid for my presence $ in total the cost was $4.40!(Drawing of Taline and I eating lunch at the table in the cafeteria with a lady at a food stand in the background with a huge smile on her face).


Today's Friday and Taline wants me to have lunch with her again she is even offering to pay for me! She's too nice! She had 20 dollars. (Drawing of me running up to join my friend waiting in line at the cafeteria). This afternoon it's a carnival at school and I'm get a play hockey but with my boots on. They gained was 2 to 2 we played against the teachers. Then only the sixth-graders played against the other class and it was also a tie 3 to 3!


I cannot believe that Taline can finally come over to my's only been six months that I'm trying to invite her over! So of course we had to watch baseketball and we played with Phil Nintendo 64.


My mom, Noel and I, all went to get her eyes examined and then we went to have supper at grandfather's house! PS we did not need any glasses!(Dr. S. Agopian-Baltadjian, the optometrists business card is stuck in the Journal).


Taline came over again today.we went to pick up and I went mom, Noel, Kathleen, and of course me.after she came over to our house for supper.we pass the mail door to door and then we went to the dep.


My dad and I went around the house, cross-country skiing today. Noel followed us with snowshoes, but the snow was too sticky!
(Drawing of my dad and I and cross-country skis and Noel with snowshoes on). Here is a clearer picture! Drawing of my dad and I cross-country skiing with Noel behind us with his snowshoes on and we can see the little squirrel hiding behind the tree and it is snowing).


I washed the mouse cage and now the mice all smelled better. Philip, Noel and I all played Mario party parentheses again on Nintendo 64 bit Philip rented). (Drawing of Phillips Nintendo 64 with three remote controllers attached).


Michael Barahona came over today and all he does the Philip is play Nintendo 64! Taline invited me over for supper at five o'clock and I was also invited for sleepover too! J


Taline, her little brother Chris and I all went to play baseketball and then she came over to my house we passed the mail that we went to the dep and then we went cross-country skiing. It was her first time to cross-country ski. And then we had spaghetti for supper.


I didn't even realize that I was writing every day of the Christmas break. I spent a lot of time with Taline. By the way, lower life the lucky one is in Florida while I will be at school!
L (Drawing of Lorelei tanning in a bikini in Florida with a huge smile on her face and sunglasses while I am sitting at my desk in class bored out of my mind with a sad face).


Today am to have lunch at school for the third time! Of course I have to paid $2.50 to stay at school! Before yesterday I recited my poem and I got 10 on 10! Course not 10 over hundred!


Today is an incredible day! It all started with my grades of my last exams. I got 77% in French, an A on my resume, and the best grade of the whole class 41/48 in reading! To top it off, no homework!
My dad named me the supper that I want which was meatballs covered with mushroom sauce over rice and he also made a good banana cake for dessert, just like I love! Afterwards I watched the movie “Practical Magic”!


Taline has invited me over for sleepover again this weekend. It was super fun! We went to Uniprix and Toys "R" Us. We made a tent in her basement to sleep in. We ate pizza for supper and muffins for dessert her cousins were visiting and we all had fun together! Before going to bed lead honeycombs she made me laugh and ice data honeycombs all the way to the other side of the table! (Trying unless last thing on eating honeycombs at her kitchen table me coughing out a honeycomb that went flying across her face. Ha ha ha Ha Ha!)


I don't like Michael Levy anymore. She became so fat and he is not good looking. He also has huge Dumbo ears! Etc. (School picture of Michael Levy glued inside Journal was ripped out!)


Laura Lang invited me over today for sleepover her dad is coming to pick me up at 6h30 which is suppertime! But if so we ate Domino pizza for supper we also ate Maple pie with ice cream for dessert.


Lorelei had a horseback riding lesson this morning at 10 in the morning until 11. After we went shopping. It was Lorelei’s mom, Lorelei and I. I bought myself a Beanie baby for nine dollars. His name is Nanook and he's a husky. I also got myself a beanie baby costume for five dollars; it's a Santa costume! (Drawing of my new beanie baby not know where he be Santa costume and saying “ho ho ho!”).


Today is Easter Sunday! When I woke up this morning I had 30 eggs defined in my room it was an egg hunt from the Easter Bunny! For breakfast we ate Quick cereals and struggles excavation point there was a little rabbit on the kitchen table and my mom gave it to me because I loved it so much!(Drawing of that rabbit with two Easter eggs). My mom each gave us candy and chocolates to us four. We got candy eggs, cream eggs, gum starbursts, chocolate eggs and more! She also gave me two teddy bears, a movie and Sailor Moon book! Follow more gamy a baked chocolate in the shape of a woman and $20! Grandfather had invited us to the sugar Cabin! He is so nice! I am in the car now and we're there! Okay, first we had some tire (Maple syrup on snow that we roll on the stick), then we went to eat supper. I ate soup, hotdogs, and omelet with maple syrup and water to drink. I did not eat any dessert because I was too full! But I had more tire! There was no horses this time but there was swings. Afterwards we went to grandfather's house. We are now at grandfather's house and we are watching TV.okay well I have to go I am going downstairs to play games now. I'm back from playing pool.I was teamed up with my dad against Philip and Noel. Guess what! We won!(Drawing of my dad and I playing pool against Noel and Philip with a scoreboard in the background).


I forgot to say that Philip got a haircut. It is one of the morning. We lost an hour we are still at grandfather's house! Happy Easter late! Now it is 1h09, it took time to write.(here's a little photo. Drawing of two bunnies playing outside in the spring weather these smaller Bunny offers a carrot to the larger Bunny).