Broken Lead. (Poems)

 A prayer for Farmor (2012)

Dear Lord,
Please send your angels
Down from the heavens above
To provide my Farmor with
Needed strength and love
And bless my family's hearts
With more desire
So that their hopes and prayers
For health never expire


I can't live when the world around me is dying (2012)

Currently going through therapy to forget his death
But no one can help me do what I refuse to do best
What feels wrong in my heart, what should not be
There's no way he could ever truly set me free
I lost my best friend and then I lost all my friends
I still feel empty inside. I say I'm better so that I won't cry.
Really, it's only so that I won't make people uncomfortable.
Because crying over the lost of a pet is unacceptable.
But honestly, there is no more sunshine. No reason to wake.
For all around me is darkness, one way too thick to break.
My therapist says I did not deal well with my depression.
That it is not healthy to live with a condensed repression.
This arrested emotional state will have me looking for comfort,
but this need will never be satisfied because without the love I desire,
my whole world is forever on fire, and slowly dying.
Why live when the world around you is dead?

To bury a friend
by Cory Weed

To bury your baby is something you should never have to do.
Yet this is something many mothers are put through.
Sometimes they say you have to choose
But really you had nothing left to lose.
No one really knows how hard this could be
I never knew till the day I lost Chucky.
The world will never know a better friend
I loved & cherished my tabby until the end.
To live each following day has become such a task
Who knew the loss of a friend could happen so fast.
Never will I forget the love we shared each day
I know Chucky would have wanted it that way.

RIP Chucky 2007-2011,  
                                          Love Cory xxx

RIP Chucky Waheed
by Cory Weed

Dear Chucky,

You were the best cat I ever had.
Ever since I first saw you as a kitten,
I knew you were the cat I wanted as a child.
You loved to play, fetch
And most of all, sleep in my bed.
Of all cats I ever had and lost,
You were the most loyal and affectionate.
I will always remember you Chucky,
You could never be replaced!
You were loved very very much.
Good bye Chucky. May you rest in peace.

Love, Corinne xxx

The Truth
by Cory Weed

How do we find out the truth
Or discover life's secrets?
How is it that what we once believed
Can later be contradicted?

Researchers and investigators
As well as inventors
Will look upon the world as we know it
Then analyze all the facts and stories
And later come up with their very own
Definition of a perfect world.

What seperates the experienced
From the innocent
Is simply life, lived day by day
Each lived day, we see life in a new way
Every morning we wake up
A new slightly different journey awaits us.

If you want to know the truth
The true meaning of your life
Think about what you want most
And how far you are willing to go
In order to not only achieve it
But to actually accomplish your goals.

Be who you are
By Cory Weed

Who you love is who you are
What you love is never far
Because you fill your life
With all you like
In order to love your life
Surrounded with all you like.

I wanted to sing since I was a girl
One day I will sing for the world
I also loved modelling with a passion
Once day I will change the face of fashion.

I very much enjoyed my trip to Australia
Next will be China, to see the Giant Panda
Around the world I shall travel
With each country my story shall unravel.

My goal is to pursue my education
So I can help in world conservation.
My mission is to rescue endanged wildlife
To these animals I owe the rest of my life.


If you only knew
by Cory Weed

If you only knew
All the things that i've been through
If you only knew
All the things that i knew about you
If you only knew
All the things that i've been saying
Are all true...

Maybe you could open your eyes and see
That you should have come talk to me
Instead of bitching or talking shit
And making up stories to spread gossip...

You took and broke things of mine,
Never did you replace them in time,
Meanwhile I had to fix what you broke,
While watching you laugh, like it was
All a big joke...

Such disrespect i have already seen
Since jealous behavior is always mean
And a friend's betrail hurts even more
Than anything ever worth fighting for...

Truth is, I was always there for you
Even after all you put me through
Even after all of your lies
I simply waited for you to apologize...

If only you knew that I cared
This is why I always shared
But now and again, in the end
You have lost yet another friend.

The meaning of life
by Corinne Waheed

The meaning of life is that we grow, learn and understand
The lesson of life, and educate it towards others:

All sources of pleasure
Are equal sources of pain
(Think of a rose)

What helped build life on earth
Will help end it, once again
(Think of agriculture)

We live in equilibrium
We do not gain nor loose
We learn everyday
And shape the world in our views

We fix the problems we created
By creating even more
As long as we get to see
What it is we are asking for

Tree-of-life Sunset reflecting into the waters

by Cory Weed

Dedicated to a girl I once knew. One by the name of Britney.

Too intoxicated to think
She sees the world in sparkily pink
Loves to go around spreading gossip
And denies ever drawing dark comics
So blinded by love, impossible to see
She's been talking a lot of shit about me

As her heart burnt with greed, this rose melts as it's passion expires.

She's Like The Swallow

She's Like The Swallow lyrics

She's like a swallow that flies so high
She's like the river that never runs dry
She's like the sunshine on the lee shore
She loves her love and love is no more

It's out in the meadow this fair maid did go
Picking the lovely primrose
The more she plucked the more she pulled
Until she's got her apron full

She climbed on yonder hill above
To give a rose unto her love
She gave him one, she gave him three
She gave her heart for company

And as they sat on yonder hill
His heart grew hard, so harder still
He has two hearts instead of one
She says, young man what have you done

How foolish, foolish you must be
To think I loved no one but thee
This world's not made for one alone
I take delight in every home

She took her roses and made a bed
A stony pillow for her head
She lay her down, no word did say
She let her roses fade away

She's like a swallow that flies so high
She's like the river that never runs dry
She's like the sunshine on the lee shore
She loves her love and love is no more