Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My favorite Songs

My favorite songs are either happy, mad or sad. There are quite a few. Here they are from youtube!

Happy Songs

-Lady Gaga 'Eh,eh'

-Michael Franti and Spearhead 'Say Hey (I love you)'

-Shakiri featuring Wyclef Jean 'Hips don't lie'

-Hill Top Hoods 'Nosebleed section'

-Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat 'Lucky'

-311 'Hey you'

-Pink 'Please don't leave me'

-Outkast 'Hey ya'

-Gorillaz 'Rock the house'

-311 'Amber'

-Weezer 'Island in the sun'

-Bob Marley 'Don't worry, be happy'

-Shakira 'Loca'

Mad Songs

-Billy Talent 'Try Honesty'

-Shakira 'Don't Bother'

-Goldfinger 'Free Me'

-All American rejects 'Gives you hell'

-The Rolling Stones 'Paint it black'

-Nirvana 'Rape Me'

-Pixies 'Where is my mind'

-Flobots 'Handlebars'

Sad Songs

-Coldplay 'Don't Panic'

-The Fugees 'Killing me Softly'

-Gary Jules 'Mad World'

-System of a down 'Lonely day'

-Our lady peace '4 a.m.'

-Maroon 5 'She will be loved'

-Serj Tankian 'Empty Walls'

-Oasis 'Wonderwall'

-Guns and Roses 'Patience'

-Brandy 'Right Here'

-Plain white T's 'Hey there delilah'

-Led Zeppelin 'Stairway to heaven'

-Shakira 'Illegal'

-Michelle Branch 'Everywhere'

-Shakira 'Gypsy'

-Our lady Peace '4am'

-Rhianna and Eminem 'Love the way you lie'

The Secret

The Secret of Life

The Law of attraction states that what you think about and what you put out in the world is what will come back to you either in a simple fraction or even multiplied. Others know this phenomenon as Karma. Simply think it and believe it and you will receive it. To find love, peace, health, wealth and happiness, you must act like you already have all of the above and that’s what the universe will bring to you. For example, if you think about your depths, you will receive more bills to pay. If you think about your growing wealth, you will soon find checks in the mail. Ever arrive late to work when all you were thinking about was not arriving late? Truth is, if you were actively thinking about arriving on time, then the universe could have made it possible. Think positive as people always say. I remember thinking about how my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me while I was on vacation in Australia, and worrying about the health state of my pets while I was gone. I got what I deserved as he did cheat on me and I lost a few pet mice due to inexplicable causes of death. We can’t help but worry. But when I thought or even felt that I would meet someone special at my resort while staying two weeks at Club Amigo, in Cuba, I did! Without really trying or looking, the universe brought us together one night. We usually think positive when everything is going great in life. The trick is to keep smiling and know that the universe has something or someone special in store for you. Ever walk out of a job interview and think you did great? Most of the time we worry we did not say what we could have said, or in my case, think we should not have gone to the dentist before the interview, knowing your mouth would still be frozen while you try to respond, making you less confident in the way you present yourself. Ever wonder why you get hired at a job you don’t really want? Perhaps because the more you want it, the more you think about the possibility of not getting hired over the chances that you will be hired. Think about yourself working your dream job and earning your dream salary. Don’t think about the possible death of a love one or beloved pet. Think about their recovery and long lasting health! Imagine spending time together when you get old! This will ensure to send out positive messages into the universe, and you will get what you want. Instead of thinking about the war, dead soldiers, and how 911 was fixed to have an excuse to bomb Iraq and steal their oil in exchange for democracy, think about soldiers returning home to their families and loved ones, and most of all, think about peace. Imagine a peaceful planet. Imagine that animal cruelty is abolished just like slavery was and missing children returning home. Imagine a world where the most popular drug is happiness, bringing peace to earth for all of eternity. This seems too good to be true, but start small and you will witness how fast the law of attraction can work in your favor. Think of someone who you would like to call you. Think of someone you would like to recover from an illness. If a negative aspect is possible, a positive opposite is just as possible. Don’t think about how many pounds you have to loose, think about yourself at your perfect weight. Feel that weight on yourself and you will start loosing weight. Now you got the general idea?

Here are some of the Secrets described in the book. The main ideas are summarized at the end of each chapter. The first chapter talks about the law of attraction, then it goes into detail about the secrets of happiness, wealth, love, health, peace, and life in the following chapters. I have chosen to mention my favorite quotes from the book The Secret.

Law of attraction: three steps

1) Ask: Make it clear in your mind what you want. See it clearly.
2) Believe: Act like you already have received what you want. Make it possible.
3) Receive: Imagine yourself enjoying what you want to achieve. Allow it to happen.

Secrets of Happiness:

1) Think of your perfect weight and feel yourself at that size.
2) Attract good things, what you like and what you want and stop worrying that your worst fears will come true.
3) Always stay positive and think happy, healthy and wealthy thoughts.
4) Be grateful for what you already have and don’t be upset for what you do not yet have. Stop comparing yourself to others around you. Your time will come.
5) “What the mind can conceive, it can achieve.” – W. Clement Stone

Secrets of Wealth:

1) Focus on wealth and not the lack of it. Think of money coming in instead of depts. accumulating interest due to obligatory expenses.
2) Give money in order to bring money into your life. Think ‘I have plenty’.
3) Look at things you like and think ‘I can afford that or ‘I will get that’.

Secrets of Love:

1) Your thoughts, words, actions, and surroundings must reflect the type of relationship you want to find in life.
2) Love yourself and accept yourself before letting someone into your life.
3) Treat yourself with love and respect and attract love and respect towards you.
4) Focus on all the qualities you already have and you will find even more.
5) Focus on what you appreciate about a person and not your complaints. Focus on strengths and you will find and receive even more.

Secrets of Health:

1) Focus on perfect health, no matter how you are actually feeling and do not talk or think about illnesses, either yours or others.
2) Laughter attracts joy, releases negativity and leads to miraculous cures.
3) Focus on health and eternal youth.

Secrets of Peace and Well-being:

1) What you resist with emotion, you attract. Instead emit new signals of what you want with your thoughts and feelings. This will be attracted to you instead.
2) If you focus on the negative things in this world, you add to them and bring more negativity to your life.
3) Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention to and energy towards trust, love, abundance, education and peace.
4) Life is meant to be abundant. We will never run out of good things.
5) Tap into the unlimited supply though your thoughts and feelings and bring it into your experience.
6) Praise and bless everything in the world and you will dissolve negativity and discard and align yourself with the highest frequency – love.

The Secrets of Life:

1) Energy is not created nor destroyed; it only changes from one form to the next.
2) We are all connected. We are all one.
3) Let go of difficulties from your past, as you are the only one who can create the future life you deserve.
4) See what you want as a fact.
5) Stay aware. Remember to remember.
6) Your power is in your thoughts.
7) Fill the black board of your life with whatever you want. The sky is the limit.
8) Feel good now. Do what you love and feel good about it.
9) The more you use your power, the more powerful you become.
10) The more you think about it, the sooner it will happen.

When Rhonda Byrne discovered the secret, she found out many successful authors, entrepreneurs, artists, athletes, actors, film makers, etc. had already known about it. They all achieved their goals by focusing on nothing but their goals and they got there in no time. The author of The Secret wanted to spread the word of truth and reveal the secret to all! So now that you know the truth, imagine yourself in your ideal life, house, family, body, car, country, career, hobby, pass time, etc, and never escape that thought! For more info about the movie see

100 quotes from "The Secret"

For those of you who have never heard of The Secret, it is a 90 minute movie now sweeping the world. It was directed by Australian Drew Heriot.

To find out more go to

I first saw the movie in 2007, in Melbourne Australia with my cosin Jesse Waheed.

1. We all work with one infinite power
2. The Secret is the Law of Attraction (LOA)
3. Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting
4. We are like magnets - like attract like. You become AND attract what you think
5. Every thought has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy
6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same
7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation
8. You attract your dominant thoughts
9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..
10. It's not "wishful" thinking.
11. You can't have a universe without the mind entering into it
12. Choose your thoughts carefully .. you are a masterpiece of your life
13. It's OK that thoughts don't manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an elephant and it instantly appeared, that would be too soon)
14. EVERYTHING in your life you have attracted .. accept that fact .. it's true.
15. Your thoughts cause your feelings
16. We don't need to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories .. good feelings, bad feelings.
17. Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.
18. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming
19. You get exactly what you are FEELING
20. Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances
21. You can begin feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there).. the universe will correspond to the nature of your song
22. What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your experience
23. What you think and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match - no exception
24. Shift your awareness
25. "You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill
26. It's important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) )
27. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience
28. When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator
29. Life can and should be phenomenal .. and it will be when you consciously apply the Law of Attraction
30. Universe will re-arrange itself accordingly
31. Start by using this sentence for all of your wants: "I'm so happy and grateful now that.... "
32. You don't need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself
33. LOA is simply figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having it NOW
34. You might get an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want faster
35. The universe likes SPEED. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't doubt..
36. When the opportunity or impulse is there .. ACT
37. You will attract everything you require - money, people, connections.. PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you
38. You can start with nothing .. and out of nothing or no way - a WAY will be provided.
39. HOW LONG??? No rules on time .. the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker things happen
40. Size is nothing to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish) We make the rules on size and time
41. No rules according to the universe .. you provide the feelings of having it now and the universe will respond
42. Most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing (bills in the mail, being late, having bad luck...etc..)
43. You have to find a different approach to what is through a different vantage point
44. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha
45. What can you do right now to turn your life around?? Gratitude
46. Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately
47. What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about
48. What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude.. focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for
49. Play the picture in your mind - focus on the end result
50. VISUALIZE!!! Rehearse your future
51. VISUALIZE!!! See it, feel it! This is where action begins
52. Feel the joy .. feel the happiness :o)
53. An affirmative thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one
54. "What this power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists." Alexander Graham Bell
55. Our job is not to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and belief in the "what"
56. The Hows are the domain of the universe. It always knows the quickest, fastest, most harmonious way between you and your dream
57. If you turn it over to the universe, you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered .. this is where magic and miracles happen
58. Turn it over to the universe daily.. but it should never be a chore.
59. Feel exhilarated by the whole process .. high, happy, in tune
60. The only difference between people who are really living this way is they have habituated ways of being.
61. They remember to do it all the time
62. Create a Vision Board .. pictures of what you want to attract .. every day look at it and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants
63. "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein
64. Decide what you want .. believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you
65. Close your eyes and visualize having what you already want - and the feeling of having it already.
66. Focus on being grateful for what you have already .. enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.
67. "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" W. Clement Stone
68. Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.
69. When you have an inspired thought, you must trust it and act on it.
70. How can you become more prosperous?? INTEND IT!!
71. 'Checks are coming in the mail regularly'... or change your bank statement to whatever balance you want in there... and get behind the feeling of having it.
72. Life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas...
73. Go for the sense of inner joy and peace then all outside things appear
74. We are the creators of our universe
75. Relationships: Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others .. love yourself and you will be loved
76. Healthy respect for yourself
77. For those you work with or interact with regularly .. get a notebook and write down positive aspects of each of those people.
78. Write down the things you like most about them (don't expect change from them). Law of attraction will not put you in the same space together if you frequencies don't match
79. When you realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to be different in order for you to feel good.
80. You will free yourself from the cumbersome impossibilities of needing to control the world, your friends, your mate, your children....
81. You are the only one that creates your reality
82. No one else can think or feel for you .. its YOU .. ONLY YOU.
83. Health: thank the universe for your own healing. Laugh, stress free happiness will keep you healthy.
84. Immune system will heal itself
85. Parts of our bodies are replace every day, every week..etc... Within a few years we have a brand new body
86. See yourself living in a new body. Hopeful = recovery. Happy = happier biochemistry. Stress degrades the bod.
87. Remove stress from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself
88. Learn to become still .. and take your attention away from what you don't want, and place your attention on what you wish to experience
89. When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life
90. You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose.
91. And allow the world as others choose to see it, exist as well
92. People think that if everyone knows the power of the LOA there won't be enough to go around .. This is a lie that's been ingrained in us and makes so many greedy.
93. The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go around.
94. All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of it's own infinite nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. it will show up for you.
95. So let the variety of your reality thrill you as you choose all the things you want.. get behind the good feelings of all your wants.
96. Write your script. When you see things you don't want, don't think about them, write about them, talk about them, push against them, or join groups that focus on the don't wants... remove your attention from don't wants.. and place them on do wants
97. We are mass energy. Everything is energy. EVERYTHING.
98. Don't define yourself by your body .. it's the infinite being that's connected to everything in the universe.
99. One energy field. Our bodies have distracted us from our energy. We are the infinite field of unfolding possibilities. The creative force.
100. Are your thoughts worthy of you? If not - NOW is the time to change them. You can begin right were you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.

Book Reviews

After Fight Club (1997) was seen by my eyes and analyzed by my brain, it became my favorite movie of all time, along with Fear in Loathing in Las vegas, starring Johnny Deep. I personally don't think much of Brad Pitt for acting skills or good looks, but this changed after I saw him ripped for this movie, and playing Tyler Durten, one of the world's most psychedelic characters, who could not have came into existence without the world's best author, in my opignion and in many others, Chuck Palanuik. Edward Norten was also amazing in this movie as he slowly discoveres who he really is and how to best overcome his fears.

After this movie took my breath away, I had to read the book from Chuck, written in 1996. As Many readers will say, the book was sooo much better than the movie. Why they need to change things like where characters meet nd how far they go, I don't know but they could have easily made it a 3 hour movie or better yet, make a sequel. But that's not why Chuck Palanuik writes. If he wanted to, he could write screen plays, but he knows that he can take it much further writting books. He just has an amazing way with words. Just take it from his afterword in the book 'Haunted'. To think he would read the short story 'Guts' which was the first chapter of the book, a story by Saint Gut-Free, and almost every time two or three people lisening would faint! Most times, as I read through one of his materpieces, I feel the need to discribe the greatest details to my friends or simply keep them posted on how the story is unraveling itself with a new twist in every chapter. I have never been so captivated, interrested and entertainned while reading anything other than a novel by Chuck Palanuik. His mind and his words work very well together to bring you imaginative books that are simply like no other. The crazy and amazing ideas are mostly related to possible events or even based on true life experiences. You can hear a caracter's thoughts and imagine another's one's criminal act as if you were watching it happen in a movie. Most books bring you places you might not even want to see in a majour motion pictures, just in your mid, while you are some place alone, calm and safe. The best part about Chuck Palanuik is his mind, and his sometimes dark humour that portrais so more truth in every novel, story and idea. I have read Fight Club, Pygmy, Invisible Monsters, Haunted, and Choke and I am still reading Snuff and Diary. I still want to read Lullaby, Survivor, Stranger than fiction, Fugitives and Refuges and Tell all by Chuck Palanuik.

Book Reviews/Summaries:

Fight Club is a story about a man who is fed up of living life at his dead end job day to day. His suffers from imsomnia and questions his very existence every time he wakes up. Some advice he gets from the doctor inspired him to visit the support groups for Testicular Cancer, to really see pain. This cleaver man makes a friend named Bob, who has lost his family to due his past history. He use to workout too much and took steroids, now he lost his balls and grew bitch tits. When he finally lets go, he cries. That night he slept like a baby. The narrator found a way to cope, that is untill another faker shows up. It's Marla Singer, a goth looking chick who smokes continuously and does not seem to value her life enough to even show up to support groups. She does them all, just like him. He thinks it's cheaper than a movie and there is free coffee, but with her presence he can't cry anymore. He had to find something better, a new way to cope. In the book, he met Tyler Durden on a nude beach, where he sat in the palm of a hand, which was a shadow casted upon the sand of the beach from different sized logs he had placed there on purpose. In the film, Tyler Durden was introduced on the plane, sitting next to him, with the same briefcase, only filled with soap. On his way back home, the main character losses his lugage due to suspicious vibration and then go home to find out his condo was blown up. He decided to call Marla, no, he changes his mind, he calls Tyler for help. After they met in the bar Tyler asked him if he had anything to loose. He had lost all he ever had, at least all he cared about. Tyler asked him to punch him. The second the first hit was given, he knew for sure that he needed to fight more. Tyler punched him back real hard after saying he did not want to die without any scars. Fight Club was created after days. So many men needed what they offered. A basement where they could fight other men who needed just one, underground moment of victory. They started showing up to work all bloody, broken and bruised up. Next thing you know, Fight Club is they reason why to cut your nails or shave your face. It grew so big, so fast. He could no longer keep up. From Fight Club to Project Mayham. Tyler had them all trained like space monkeys he said. They started getting into real trouble pulling pranks in everyday events. In the end, it got too far, a friend was lost and buildings were set on fire and even blown up! The twist in the end, when revealed, even the characters don't want to accept it, but it's the truth. In the novel Tyler boilled Marla's mother into soap! I don't know how that could have been done on the big screen but it happened in my head thanks to the creative mastermind of the brilliant and imaginative Chuck Palanuik. Chapter 6 was a short story originally about going to work and hating your job. The details described what everyone else is thinking but keeping to themselves. The author tells all so you don't have to. Just read the book and do not talk about fight club. I repeat do not talk about fight club.

"Pygmy is a dark comedy about terrorism and racism. The story is about a boy, Pygmy, who is a 13 year old foreign exchange student travelling to the United States on a mission. Every word on the book is written in his broken english as he documents each of his days living with his foster family the Cedars. The Cedars are a white surburban middle-class cristian family that he calls Cow father, Chicken mother, Pig dog brother and Cat sister. He calls them like he sees them and he is staying for six months. He is a highly intelligent boy who was taken from his parents at a young age due to his high test scores. Since then he has been trained to fight as a terrorist would, in order to revenge the death of his parents of whom he remembers so little of. Problems come in the way as he researches the american lifestyle and progresses further with operation HAVOK, his main mission. He and a dozen other delegates, both male and female, his classmates growing up, are all working towards this same mission which involves amongst other thigs, impregnating american youth or getting pregnant by them. They had all been trained in martial arts, chemistry, and brainwashed into hating americans and the United States with a passion. Ostacles include communicating the english language, shopping at WALMART, fighting a bully with clear yellow hair and lighting bolt eyes, earning his pigdog brother's respect, falling in love with his cat sister, and obtainning required substances and materials needed for his science fair project. This book seemed hard to read though in the first couple of pages but I quickly feel in love with Pygmy and his wild and innocent way of thinking. I cried at the end because it was over. I had to move on to another book! Pygmy, he would judge a person so poorly and quickly think of how he could kill that person, literally which martial arts move he would do and how they would respond. His goal was to kill millions of people with an explosive National Science Fair project that would be presented in Washington D.C. if it won first prize. This story shows a lot of emotion and you can really hear his thoughts through every scene. Pygmy is a story one would only wish could be seen on the big screen.

Invisible Monters is just about what the title might suggest. One who is so hideously ugly or even monster looking that the general public will ingnore him or her as if they were invisible. This book is so full of surprises I would not even know where to begin! Chuck Palanuik made another great success with this one. You don't want to put this book down till you finish it, seriously it's that amazing. All the character's deepest secrets are only revealled at the end but more and more is obvious as you read through. This story is about a model and her best friend Evy. They went to modelling school together and enjoyed getting much attention at IKEA furniture type stores where they would act out their every day scenarios while people watched. She loves attention, maybe too much. She was always jealous of her little brother for getting more attention because he was gay and got an STD and his parents kicked him out. After the main character had been in a terrible car accident, she managed to drive herself to the hospital. Her fiance came to visit her in the hospital and saw the pictures that were taken before she was hospitalized. The accident left this model horribly disfigured for life. That was unless she attempted to have reconstructional surgery done. She had no idea what she looked like because no one could show her the photos or even a mirror. The damage caused her to loose her voice and ability to eat solid foods. Shortly, after the sympathy and patience over her recovery, her fiance leaves her and she can no longer model, not even hand or foot work! She finds herself with very little to live for. While in the hospital, she meets a beautiful woman in the speech therapy office named Brandy Alexander. This lady becomes her new saviour as she introduces her to many stylish ways to hide her disfigured face using various layers of veils. Evy, her best friend, asked her to move in with her after she leaves the hospital. All her things were already moved. In reality she did not have much of a choice, besides Evy was hoping she could take care of her cat while she would be gone south for a photo shoot. One night a man came into Evy's home while the main character was asleep in her bed. It was her ex fiancé! He was planning to stab someone but whom? His ex? Evy? She finds out that her best friend was having an affair with her fiancé the whole time. She burns Evy's house down while her ex is locked in a closet. She leaves in her night gound with a large riffle and goes to find Brandy Alexander at the hotel where she was staying with the Sofonda sisters, already packed and ready to go. They travel together with her ex in the trunk and visit homes for sale while stealing drugs from their pharmacies in the bathrooms. Brandy needs all kinds of drugs to keep up with herself. Who was Evy really? And her ex fiancé? And who was responsible for the accident? Who shot her? And how were Brandy Alexander and her related in a past life? What happened to her younger brother Shane after he got kicked out of the house? Who will become the next Shannon Mcfarland, top model? This story is wicked and twisted with new plots and crazy theories in every page. This story could very well be a hit series or tv drama. But the most of it comes in the form of Chuck Palanuik's words.

The first time I saw this book in the dark it freaked me out. The face glows 3D in the dark! The story of Haunted is not so much scary as it it cruel, strange and simply horrifying! What happens is 18 people answer an ad to a writter's retreat for three months. This was a special retreat that promised to help them relax and find inspiration for their next master piece. They all went to meet at the coffee shop first for their differents reasons. Although most of them are very different from one another, they are all going to this retreat to get away or simply hind from something that have done or been involved in. The people who end up staying together in an old theater for three months needed to forget their lives for some time. To somewhat of their advantage, they could not communicate with the outside word. They could only bring one bag with them on the bus that came to pick them up. They were told that food and drinks were included, along with lights and heating. The masterpiece that is written is a contribution of all their efforts, all their stories and past life experiences. What they did to survive and how they all become victims of themselves. The food runs out. The lights start burning out. The furnace breaks. The toillets clog. The doors jam. The washing machine breaks. They are locked in and have no idea of the time of day or how long they have been trapped. People start freezing and starving to death. They each contributed to the outcome of their own misery. They secretly wanted to stay trapped and needed to suffer in order to tell a great story. Old Mr. Brandon Whittier is the criminal master mind that organized the whole thing. He had done the same stunt over and over after he got sick of lying to nurses in order to sleep with them and get money atfer lying about his age. Names are not always given and sometimes they only make stories more confusing. Insteat they are each given nicknames that remind us of their story and how they got to where they are. Saint-Gut-Free is a sex addict that loved masterbatting. He had to loose his small intestine to survive what he called pearl diving. He also had the idea to start a romance with Mother Nature in order to spice uo their story. Mother Nature studied reflexology and lived like a hippie, dirty and poor. A friend she studied with shows her how to make more money with her talents by practicing reflexology to sexually arrouse well paying customers. Problem is her friend's pimp wanted too much money as his cut from the customers. She killed this man using her tongue. Next thing you know her body was been found in a river with a gunshot to the head. Next there is Miss America. She invented the exercise wheel and lost a lot of weight with it. She fell in love with a jerk in the green room and accidentally got pregnant. Lady Baglady is a rich upper class lady who loves to hold charity events for the sick and homeless. She got tired of her fancy life style and found out how to let go- by slumming the streets as if she were a bum. She and her husband witnesed a beaten girl get kidnapped from the streets while they were sleeping. Next thing you know her husband gets killed and the secret is out! Now she was affraid for her own life! The Earl of Slander recongnized his vet that saves his dog and wrote a fictional biography about this childhood actor because the true story was not a very interresting story. He made it real by planting evidence and making it look like suicide. Never trust a man with a tape recorder. Karma hits him back when he becomes rich and famous and his dog gets sick. This time he can't be saved! The Duke of Vandals is an artist that posted his art illegally in museums and art galleries. He got noticed for sticking his pictures of his girlfriend or dog in bathrooms and empty walls. He became famous and was aked to kill off other artists in order to make more money as an artist hitman. Mrs Clark got plastic surgery to make a porno with her husband in order to save money for their baby on its way. They ended up hating the film and destroying it. Her husband never came home from the video rental store. Then her daughter Cassandra all grown up visits an art gallery and looks through the nightmare box brought by Mr. Whittier. She said it made her want to become a writter. She disspeared afterwards and acted as careless as a ghost. She went to the retreat before her mother and came back mutilated and empty inside like a robot. She never spoke about where she was but she admitted to hurting herself. Mrs Clark kills her daughter or what was left of her. Then she found the ad in the daughter's room and signed up in order to hopefully find answers. Now she becomes the new villan of the writter's retreat after Mr.Whittier is gone. Director denial has a cat named Cora Reynolds who as a person also had a cat and felt sorry for abused dolls and broken teddy bears. She took care of them. It was part of her job. It got out of control and when asked to take time off work she pointed a gun to her co-workers and kidnapped the sex dolls then drove off to perhaps kill herself. All she did was set bobby traps so that detectives would stop taking advantage of the child dolls. They were so realistic, that was her fault. Reverend Godless used to dress up as a woman in order to make money by charging people to punch him while singing Barbra Streisand as he and a friend had no income after the war. He made friends with a girl who took pilot lessons to help them get the Dalai Lama. The Matchmaker got his name for paying a man whore to sleep with his girl and then break her heart so that she would marry him on the rebound and it worked! He came from a family with a secret that saved their lives during the war. This same tragedy will later occur to himself later, voluntarily. Sister Vigilante hated jury duty and made up a bowling-ball monster to kill off random people becuase with a vilian in town, crime rates reduce dramatically. Chef Assassin, also known as Richard Talbott, carries his chef knifes with him everywhere. He hates restaurent critics and killed 16 critics using his Kutting-Blok knifes and blackmailled the maker for 1-5million dollars. Comrade Snarky fainted from famine and Chef Assassin cut her up to eat her. When we woke up she smelt the meat everyone was eating and took a bite of her own rose tattooed ass. After realizing what happened and loosing so much blood, she died for real. She thought she deserved it because she once participated in a she-male rape at a womens-only club meeting. Agent Tattletale always carries his video camera to capture every moment. He once killed a detective who was spying on him to see if he was really to 'handicaped' to be working. Afterwards he took a six week course to become a detective and went into the same line of work, spying on health-pension plan people. He then confessed to a woman who held him captive when he got caught. The Missing Link says he killed someone and says that we are all judged on how we treat our animals. He went on a date with a girl who believed that all Chewlah tribe people have dick faces and become bearfoot /yetis /sasquatches at night and feed on humans. Countress Foresight is able to see the history of objects when she touched them. She murdered an antiques dealer to steal Marilyn Monroe's aborted phetus and then discovered that he killed her with drugs for the jar with the phetus inside. Turns out it was only a doll inside a milky bottel. Baroness Frostbite worked at a log on a ski hill where people died while 'hotpotting'. She got frost bite from trying to save a religious man who feel into the 'hotpot' by melting snow in her mouth all night. Miss Sneezy always looks sick. She father collected old tombstones that were infected with the Type 1 Keegan virus. She was exposed and ten years later, it killed her parents, teachers, class mates and boyfriend. She managed to espace the prison 'Orphanage' where she was captive by travelling underwater in her plastic suit with an air supply. Is she still infected? Will she die? We never really know who the main narrator is but obviously it was someone who survived. This is a must read!

Victor Mancini is a sexoholic in recovery working at Colonial Dunsboro, an eighteeth century historical theme park. His crazy mother is sick in the hospital and stopped eating. He works with his friend Denny, who he met at his sexoholic meetings, when hes not off with some girl fucking in a closet or bathroom. He needs to work overtime to afford a feeding tube for his mother and pay for her expensive hospital bills. He comes up with a scam to help make heroes out of strangers and get some extra cash on the side. He pretends to choke on food while dinning in upscale restaurants and lets someone save him each time. Meanwhile he meets a doctor named Paige Marshall, who says she can restore his mother's memory if she slept with him and used their aborted phetus for a needed neural transplant. He never knew how he felt about the subject but he never went through with it. He needed someone to need him and he liked his mother where she was. He knew he could never fall in love for real if she was still in his life. After so many times that she came back to claim him when she got out of prison, he always went back to her, even if he had a loving foster family each time. She made him believe that he could be a doctor or even god if he really wanted to. She told him to map the world in his image, because nothing could ever be as perfect as you can imagine it. She knew from experience due to her line of work, as an exorcist. She made him remember code names like Nurse Flamingo and Dr.Blaze which meant emergencies like fires or gunmen, things which would save his life one day. When not at work, Victor meets his daily dose of ass, visits strips clubs where he sees the dancers more as paitients then strippers, and helps his friend Denny collect rocks to help him kick the sex habit. When visiting his mom at St-Anthony's, he sees many delusional people like squirrels that stuff chewed food in their pockets or undressers, that need to wear special clothing so it stays on. Many of St-Anthoney's patients need to believe what they believe is real, but the very thought of it keeps them from living normal lives as they cannot let go of the past. Victor gets the idea one day to start confessing to every sin anyone has ever accused him of because their biggest demons can then be destroyed if they manage to face them first. Next thing you know he has the reputation of a pet killer or rappist or molester, anything pretty much that would scar just about anybody for life. He was just trying to help them cope and their doctors are very gratefull that he helped put them at peace. Denny moves in with Victor at his mom's house after his parents kick him out, along with his many rocks. When Denny sees a lot down the street that his uncle left him, he brings all his rocks there and starts building a wall, then another. TV crews check him out and think it might be a church or maybe a castle, but no one knows for sure. Ida Mancini, Victor's mother, want him to read her red diary, but it's all written in Italian so he gets Dr. Marshall to translate it for him. His mom had a great big secret she wanted him to find out, something about his father or his past, he is not sure, but his mother barely recongnizes him when he visits her. How he knew about the diary is he had to get his friend Denny to play him and go visit his mom while he pretended to be Fred Hastings, an attorney that represented her in court a few times. Now what will happen to his dying mother? What is the big secret? Will Victor ever get with Paige Marshall? Will his heroes ever find out how he was faking it? What is Denny building? Read this novel and find out half of it! Just like most of Chuck's novels, this book is very wild and informative. I think there is more than just a story in these pages. There is a life process evolving into something new. A place where nothing is what it looks like and all can change from one day to the next, as long as you believe so. (There was also a 2008 film directed by Clark Gregg. With Kathryn Alexander, Teodorina Bello, Kate Blumberg, etc. Watch a trailer here: -like many books made into films, the book was better, but if you are too lazy to read it the way Chuck intended it to be, then you must watch the movie to at least try and understand the lessons to be learnt if there was any.)

The main character in this story is Cassie Wright, a smart girl gone porn star after her dreams of acting and becoming famous. Mrs. Wright becomes a real sex symbol, only problem is she accidentally conceived a child while filming a classic movie with Mr. Branch Bacardi. The child was given away into adoption in order to restore her career after a one year break, but she kept a heart shaped locket around her neck for years, one with a baby picture inside. She is planning on retiring after her last film: World Whore Three-The whore to end all whores, a film in which she will have sex with 600 men in total, beating a new world record! Cassie had regrets after leaving her only child and wanted to find that lost child's forgiveness by leaving him the loyalties to her latest film to pay for university, and also her life insurance due to pay off if she dies during the shooting of the film. Hence the title of the book; Snuff. What is most entertaining about this book is how the narration is divided into four characters. They each get their turn to explain who they are and why they are shooting a world record porno movie. Mr.72 is a young 20 year old boy who showed up with a bouquet of white roses and plans to save Cassie from her life of porn and become his long lost mother, the one Darrin always wanted. He risked looking his life (job, money, foster family) by showing up to the filming. Mr. 137 is an actor who use to play a Dan Bayan detective character on a tv sit com till he was fired when a homosexual gang bang porno film he stared in was made public. He is a big fan of both Cassie Wright's '100 strokes' shampoo and Branch Bacardi's life-sized sex toys. He carries a canvas dog covered with autographs and signatures from stars and celebrities. He scores a bottle of Viagra and swallows a dangerous amount. Mr. 600, possibly the oldest actor in the industry, Branch Bacardi got Cassie Wright into porn in the first place, by drugging her and filming the rape act. This was a film called World War 1 and started Mrs. Wright's career as a porn star. Mr. Bacardi brought a cyanide pill in Cassie's locket, one he says she asked him to bring her. Will he manage to give it to her? Will someone else accidentally take it instead? If the cyanide pill doesn't kill someone, perhaps a Viagra overdose will come close to doing the job. Our last narrator is Sheila, she is the talent wrangler with the stop watch. She will accept bribes from the pud-pullers waited to get their minute with Cassie. She calls them each by number, three at a time, when your number is called, the waiting is over and your time is up. Once you go through the doors towards the stage and the bright lights, you don't come back out the same way. This is one twisted laugh-out-loud funny story with new angles in every chapter as you know what each character was thinking about another and nothing will be kept secret at the end. One of Palanuik's finest novels. Two thumbs up!

Diary is a story about a Women's diary. This story is being told as it is written in her diary. Only weird part is people know what she's written before she writes it, because she's written it before. The diary is like a long letter she can give her husband once he awakens from his coma, after trying to kill himself in his car, parked in the garage, with only a half tank of gas. She thought she knew her husband and loved him, but finally discovers that she was only following her pre-destined destiny. Misty Marie Kleinman and Peter Wilmot met in art school. Peter quickly recognized her brilliant talent and told her she did not need to go to school to become a famous artist and have her art shown in museums. As a child Misty had always fantasized about a special island where people lived in peace in large rich stone houses with rose gardens and picket fences. When living in a trailer park in Tecunseh Lake with her mother, she would draw these houses and the island. She saw every detail so clear in her mind that it could be real. She could have been there before. The more she thought about the island, the less she appreciated the real world. When Peter saw a painting she made of a beautigul stone house, he told her that was his neighbour's house, where he lived his entire life. She could not believe him as she invented the house and it's every detail. It came from her head. After her husband Peter becomes coma-toast, she starts remembering the details of their relationship. Their dates, adventures and the stories Peter would tell her. He believed in her more than anyone ever did. He was almost certain that she would become a talent young artist in the near future. Once they dropped out of art school together, they got a place in New York. Then when his father Harrow Wilmot died, they moved to the island where his mother Grace lived, in order to stay with her and take care of her. Shortly after, they had a child together, Tabbitha Wilmot or Tabbi for short. Tabbi was a beautiful island girl with the same dark hair as her father's. Misty found herself trapped, as queen of the slaves, waitting tables in order to pay for her child and now Grace, as the only family she had left. Misty and her mother were no longer on good terms since she lied about her wedding and never invited her. Grace was always happy about Misty, even on the worse of days. Tabbi spent almost all her time with her grand-mother Grace indoors, working to find missing pieces of people's discotinued tea sets. After Peter almost died, Misty found herself swamped with work. Her husband Peter, who was a carpenter, had made renovations in some of the main island summer people's homes. The problem was that when he did so, entire rooms would dissapear from existance. People left as kinds of upset messages about their missing linen closets, guest rooms, bathrooms or kitchens, starting with Angel Delaporte's missing kitchen. He made a whole in a wall and discovered Peter's warnings, threats or suicide note written in black spray paint all around the walls of his missing kitchen, which was then sealed from existence. Angel became a friend to Misty, as he really admired her art work and studied graphology, the study of writting. He examined traits in Peter's writting to help analize what he was going through at the time preceeding his suicide attempt. For a long time, after Tabbi was born, Misty did not paint or draw as she was either uninspired or too busy working. One day she was to start painting again and the whole twon knew it. They knew, as the legend says, that her talent would save them as it has in past, many years ago. Peter always told her that the best artists had to feel pain or suffer alot before finding true inspiration and become a great artist. After her husband was in a coma for over 100 days, then she trips at work and hurts her knee, then loses her daughter who drowns, then finds out the truth about her husband's family and past love life, this is when she has nothing left to loose. She starts painting canvas after canvas with her eyes tapped shut. She did not even know what she was drawing or painting, it did not matter to her. The doctor and Grace made sure she did 100 canvases before letting her leave the room where she stayed in the hotel. She had to cut off her own cast to liberate herself and check out the room in the hotel that Peter did some work in and covered up. After all this she found out that Angel Delaporte was murdered and all the houses that Peter did work in have been burned down by some kind of rebellious anarchist group. What was really going on? Misty could no longer focus as her headaches got worse. She only felt better when painting. It was better then all the drinking she did while she wasn't painting... What was going to happen? A detective was trying to find out her husband's cause of 'death' and why Harrow did not appear to have a death certificate. Misty could not help him and instead appeared to be the crazy one or possibly the suspect of Angel's murder. What did this mystery tale lead to? What will happen to Misty Wilmot, the greatest artist Waytensea Island has ever known? Read this book and find out. Truely an inspiring tale full of magic and hidden messages. One of Chuck's best woprk so far.

Counting 1, counting 2, counting 3,...The secret to forgetting the big picture is to focus on the details. To forget about the every detail, look at the big picture. A therapist will tell you, after loosing your life (your family), to pick up a hobby. Even constructive destruction will help you escape. Lullaby is a wicked tale about a culling song and the journey on which it took it's victims and their loved ones. Some killed by accident, others for no reason, and some either when seeking revenge, sex, a thrill, money (or gems) or simply trying to save or kill other people all around the world. Carl Streator investigates crib deaths for a story and notices a pattern. All deaths occurred where a Poems and Rhymes from Around the World book was, mostly opened to page 27. This culling song meant to relieve pain from suffering children or soldiers has been used as a lullaby and is now a weapon. Mr. Streator soon finds out he was not the only one aware of the effects of the culling song. He meets with Helen Hoover Boyle, a real-estate agent who sales ans resales known to be haunted houses. She called a newly wed couple the night before they died after finding out that they wanted to demolish a historical house they just bought. Mr. Streator soon finds out he can no longer denounce Helen to the police as he needs her help to control his new power. Along with Helen's secretary Mona and her boyfriend Oyster, Mr. Streator and Helen Hoover Boyle travel across the country on a quest to destroy every copy of the culling song and hopefully also find the grimoire, an old witches book or spells, including the culling song. On their journey, they find out many things about witches and spells. They became like a family of witches, traveling the country on a secret mission to save lives and try to fix their wrongs. People with power always want more and this separates the group, when Oyster attacks Helen for a copy of the poem. They did not all want the same thing, even if they all went with the plan. Oyster is a knowledgeable vegan who believes humans should die in order to save the planet. We have negatively contributed to overpopulation, spreading disease, polluting, and bringing pest species overseas either on purpose or by accident. Mona finds out how Helen's daily planner was the grimoire the entire time, written in transparent ink and then she does not want to let it go. She throws a fit when Helen says she with translate it herself instead of letting her try. Revenge is an ugly thing after Carl gets arrested for being a suspect to multiple murders committed by a fellow necrophiliac agent named Nash. Helen translates a few spells to fly, a love spell, one to heal animals, speak to animals, and even occupy another animal's body, even another human! This is how Helen chooses to save Carl from prison. Only problem is her body was left at the office and Mona let Oyster enter her body, and leave her for dead. All this as revenge to Helen for occupying Mona's body and getting a make-over for telling Carl he was under a love spell. They were actually in love, perfect for each-other as they were so much alike. Only problem is she is now stuck in the Sarge's body and Mona and Oyster took off with the grimoire, performing miracles everyday. Revenge is a nasty site in the Lullaby. Great work of fiction, truly believable! I loved it!

What to say about Rant Casey? His true name was Buster, but he was known to many in different ways. Some called him Buddy, others Chester, or even Green Taylor Simms (Historian). This book is a biography written about a rebellious serial killer who grew up like no boy living in Middleton could. As if this child had previously lived on earth, he understood more than other kids his age and knew what lies parents would make up about the Tooth fairy and Easter bunny. He used his knowledge to play tricks on people, especially adults. Remember feeling brains and eye balls with your eyes closed at a Halloween party? What if they were real? Well this is how our notorious Rant got his nickname. He was great at playing mind games, he could get anyone to play along to any trick for as long as he wanted. He found treasure and started paying children for their lost teeth, each coin worth thousands of dollars, it went on and kept going on because parents would never reveal the truth about the tooth fairy. Why would they when they were also benefiting from the find? He convinced all the boys of his grade to pretend they had chronic boner syndrome and form an alliance. This allowed Rant to avoid being embaressed and humiliated in geometry, as he told this to his teacher Mr. Wyland, as an excuse not to have to write on the board. How did Rant get hard without arousal? He enjoyed black widow spider bites and various other poisonous creature interactions he came across when stuffing his arms down burrows and holes. The first time he was bit by a black widow spider was when he was looking for Easter eggs in the garden that his mom had hid for him to find. Outraged when his dad left him home alone and went to church, he later hid explosive eggs all around the property so that they would explode when he cut the grass! Some how his dad knew he would be ok. Rant also had a high tolerance for rabies, having had rabies most his life, he transferred it to many girls and even boys. Rant also had pro-founded senses as he could tell what you ate up to three days ago just by eating you out. He could also tell who a tampon belonged to just by smelling the blood. As if Rant understood his purpose his entire life, he left his small home town for the big city in pursuit of who he knew as his real father, he who once told him about the Tooth Fairy treasure. His father told him he would fulfill his destiny in the city and knew somehow that he would also never see him again. But how did his dad know details about the friends Rant would meet, like Shot Dunyun, Neddy Nelson, Echo Lawrence and Green Taylor Simms? Rant Casey knew every generation of himself but did not know what they had done. Party crashing, a nighttime demolition derby was designed to bring people back where they wanted to be, whether it was to escape a handicap, to catch rabies, to have fun living on the dangerous side, to cause traffic jams or bottlenecks, to change history or simply to become immortal, each Night timer had their reason to party crash. With different themes for each open window, why not go all out and parade down the streets with your x-mas tree or just married vehicle? What Rant was trying to accomplish was to save his mother, Irene Casey, before she would be impregnated with her child. But this was not what he was sent out to do. They say Rant lived a short, violent life, but Rant was very popular, even after death, and part of him will live forever due to both careful planing and random mistakes. I honestly believed this was a true story until I read about boosted peaks. Very possible future technology or simply a past that was erased from all of history. This was a really crazy twisted story with a few punches similar to fight club. The best story since! Read this book to find out all the juicy details and how dogs ran wild in Middleton, perhaps the origin of werewolves and also how Rant's mother use to bury items in her cakes to avoid having Rant and his dad swallow it all to fast and not take time to enjoy each bite. She also tought Rant how to write secret messages on Easter eggs using wax. Poor Irene must have never found her true love, but she did love her son Buddy, as she called him. She knew he never meant to kill anyone. She must have suffered great pain after his accident, although she never truly lost him, until he left to the City for good and got a job working as a pest exterminator... Read Rant! Even if it takes you some time to digest as you go through it, it is well worth it! I love it and give the book two thumbs up!

Survivor was almost as extreme, fierce and horrid as Fight Club. Or Invisible Monsters. Tender Branson comes from a long line of Adams, born in the Creedish church colony where all first sons are Adams and every other boy is "Tender" and every girl is "Biddy". Same names for children born as working slaves to the Creedish elders. Tender Branson had many brothers and sisters growing up, but at the age of 17 he was sent to the outside world to work for the rest of his life in order to benefit the Creedish church colony, and at the age of 23 all of his family had committed suicide when they were ordered to deliver themselves to god. Over 10 years, Tender Branson was cleaning the same house and he heard a social worker tell him that the remaining Creedish death cult workers were killing themselves or being killing to make it look like suicide each one by one. All his life, the poor narrator was told what to do, and he kept doing just that until the last day of his life. When Tender is the last known survivor of the Creedish cult, an agent wants to make him famous, and he starts by helping him escape being framed for the murder of his social worker. Tender Branson becomes a famous religious prophet who still believes he must kill himself eventually. They have him on all kinds of drugs, interviews and workouts. Many other religions do not take him seriously due to some books and bibles he did not write but were published in his name. Luckly he met Fertility Hollis at her brother Trevor's crypt, because she not only helped him take care of his fish number six forty one, but she also fed him with what they called miracles he needed to say on the air of his new TV show. She not only has dreams of the future and has an evil job, but she also saves him after his public super-bowl wedding when he became suspect for the murder of his agent. They go on a run with Tender Branson's long lost twin brother Adam in motile truck-homes and Ronald MacDonald houses. Tender must change his appearance while also suffering from attention withdraw symptoms. After Tender loses Fertility at a truck stop, his brother tell him he needs to get laid and finally become a powerful man. Unfortunately Adam will not even survive to see that day since he is blinded from a terrible car crash as a result of their visit back to the Creedish land, now 200 acres of porn sanitary landfills in western Nebraska. Finally, the day after he has sex, he gets on a plane to try and stop a possible hijacker, only to find out he is the hijacker and he will kill himself crashing the plane into southern Australia. Tender was not afraid of dying since he never truly lived his life. He was always limited with what he could wear, do, eat and say that he kinda just let loose after the Creedish all died. He smoked, drank and stole. But he never had sex, how he was brainwashed not to is all told in the flight deck recorder tape in the orange black box of the cockpit of flight 2039 straight to Sydney. As he tells his real story, the planes four engines run out one by one until it starts to descent slowly into the Australian outback. Tender Branson will always be remembered as a victim and a survivor too. Great Novel!

A book about screenplays and actresses, copying or even simply fooling one another. Divided by Acts and scenes from chapter to chapter, the story unfolds a mysterious tale of a girl named Hazie Coogan who met Violet eyed Katherine Kenton at the perfect time to make friends with her and teach her everything she knew so that together thry could make Miss Kathie into a serious celebrated and beloved performer, admired by all. Hazie's job title wasn't that of a friend, a helper or a maid, nor was it of an agent or teacher, but she did perform all of these duties. For years Hazie, also our narator, has steered Miss Kathie into the right direction, helping her avoid bad movie roles and bad men that would ruined her life, career and/or ruputation. After several husbands, pet dogs, facials and drugs, Katherine Kenton has reached a meltdown in her career even though she is still loved and worshiped by many fans for her respectable starring female roles in films. For several reasons she is depressed. She is alone and has recently lost her pekingese named Loverboy. The root beer color eyed Webster Carlton Westward III, who was the only guest to show up to the funeral, might just be Katherine's lastest husband or perhaps victim? Fastforward to after he and Katherine hit it off real nice and he moves in with her. Even after she started having orphanages come over and present to them little children or babies for them to adopt. Hazie finds a manuscript in his suitcase. The title is LoveSlave and it's written by Webster Carlton Westward III. It's a lie-ography, as Walter Winchell would say, written about Miss Kathie's life with Webster until she tragically died suddenly. This is a discovery that reveals that he must actually be attempting to murder his soon to be wife in order to become famous with his book! Later, after several attempts to have Miss Kathie killed, she is fighting for her life and performing at her best during Lillian Hellman's play, her own version of Pearl Harbor starring Miss Kenton as herself. This is also Katherine's giant comeback, which she knew would preceed her own death, but she still refused to tell the police in order to preserve her safety status with the press...and continue making passionate love with Webster Carlton Westward III. Would she be electricuted in her bath tub or attacked by grizzly bears? Maybe even run over by a bus or even perhaps stabbed to death? What if an armed man broke into Katherine Kenton's town house at night? What then? Can any of her ex husbands save her or will they all already be dead? Well the truth is revealled at the end and all is well for Hazie. Poor ugly girl had suffered enough trama. The story is told as any biography would be told, but with a twist! Of course, this is Chuck Palanuik here! Many will die and some even framed in the process. Pay attention to the many details! Once again another brillant piece of work from my favorite author!

Also check out:

Also as a film with Will Farell. movie.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Great Videos

Video and art work done by Philly Willy  aka
Philip Waheed (for school) I love it! ;)
A drawing comes to life and has the time of his life skate boarding.

Peer Pressure: My friend Aella asked me to be a part of her video about how drugs like marijuana can be a gateway drug and lead to other worse drugs. This story is a silent film with music about a 'goth' girl who felt peer pressured to go over to her 'perky' friend's 'cool' friend's house and experiment with drugs. Even if she had never tried drugs, she trusted her friend but then started bad tripping. The first time I saw this movie I was laughing so hard I was crying at the same time!